I have been searching the web for the best way to increase my mpg in my 09 Prius i know that the way i drive has something to do with it. But there is no way to increase my mpg up to 80-100 by driving better so... i have also seen chips on ebay but i don't trust those can anybody vogue for those? What are some things i can buy or do to my Prius to get better mpg?
Most economical hardware methods to increase mileage are stock in a Prius. In Cold weather you can block the grill to keep the engine warmer, and you can buy a block heater to warm it up before you drive. Part of the year this can be a 5 MPG improvement. Gen 3 Prius Lower Grill Block - How to with Picture | PriusChat Engine Block Heater for 2004-2009 Toyota Prius - PriusChat Shop Most of your improvement will be via relearning your driving technique. You might get 10 MPG that way. This can help. ScanGauge II ODB Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers - PriusChat Shop
Hypermilers have gotten over 100mpg in the gen2 without any add ons. Besides driving style, you try a grill block. This will clean up the airflow a bit, and help speed up warm up times. removing the air box snorkle so warm engine bay air is drawn in will also speed up the warm up time. Some have gone all out on reducing warm up by installing a block heater. A Scangauge2 is great for improving your driving style. It gives more info than the car displays, and some instant feedback.
welcome to priuschat! new Lrr's will help, pump 'em up to the max. perhaps a lighter oil? freer flowing air cleaner. eric becky is having an enginer summit, a second battery will make a huge improvement. remove any unnecessary weight from the car including spare tyre and jack. you might try losing a few lbs yourself.
I agree. Don't buy. Learn and practice! It mostly comes down to driving technique and habits. Do you pulse/glide? This thread in ksstathead's sig is a great way to learn: Beating the EPA - The Why’s and How to Hypermile - CleanMPG Forums Put plenty of air in the tires so they roll better...I use 44 psi front, 42 psi rear. I find that not using "auto" on the climate control really helps. Try keeping it off and only using it in manual mode, as needed. In cold weather, it seems to help to try to keep the heater off for the first few minutes of driving to help the drive train warm up. A list of tips from Eco-modder: 100+ Hypermiling / ecodriving tips & tactics for better mpg - EcoModder.com
...actually, this is the thread I was thinking of from ksstathead for pulse/glide: http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1224
there is know why i can hyper/glide i have a need for speed i drove my prius very fast and exceled very fast for one day and got 34 mpg instead of my normal 40ish
The most important thing in the MPG game is the DRIVER.. I have had more than one Prius owner in my area tell me that they can only get around 38-42 MPG, I have jumped in their car and showed them that it will get mid 50's easy. The car is simply a tool, its all in how a person uses it.
i have read that if you can get it going fast enough, momentum will take over, and your mpg's will start going up. i will look for the link.
I doubt the OP will see 80 - 100 MPG if driving high speed the way he/she is. Read what OP said in post #11 - Need I say more... there is know why i can hyper/glide i have a need for speed i drove my prius very fast and exceled very fast for one day and got 34 mpg instead of my normal 40ish Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/09-prius-max-mpg.136498/#ixzz2qVo6ETlP Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
IMO, it has to do with the age of the individual. There are those who remember when gas sold for $.39 per gallon (39 cents per gallon) and even cheaper than that. Then there are other's who only know gas prices at the current level. Heck, when gas reached $1.00 per gallon I thought it was expensive. At today's prices, it is ridiculous in my opinion.