I know there will be questions eventually. I kind of cheated. If you live in SoCal you'll be familiar with the area: 1. Average speed from the picture is about 48.5 M/hr. 2.From Camp Tahquitz freeway 38 near Big Bear downhill 17.5 miles till corner of Bryant: never touch the gas pedal using a lot of run away ramps when seeing vehicles behind me. 3. To freeway 10 West near 210: still downhill I guess with traffic lights. 4. To 215 South and 91 West: I believe a lot of lower elevation changes. 5. To 55 South and 22 West: a little downhill. 6. Exit at about 1/2 of the length of freeway 22 West and then 6 miles local to my home. I use Eco Score and on freeway I try to keep the green bar "steady" at close to 12 o'clock so my speed is from 48 - 62 MPH on the right lane. On local streets I drive at speed limit or lower. I don't know about wind speed and direction in that date though.
Ah, so around 6700 feet of descent. More than the ~5000 I needed used for this: Some people have done it with no descent, but I haven't reached that level.
Turn around and head back to where you started and THEN tell us the score. It might still be impressive.
On the way up there I was driving like crazy if possible trying to beat traffic (leaving at 1:00 PM) and just past 38 & Bryant I got a tail Lexus decided to race him all 17 miles up: 46 MPG for the trip.