I was just thinking after a conversation with my Uncle (he's here on PC too) that I've become more aware that it seems that both my immediate and extended families on both sides of my marriage have not only grown to like the idea of the Prius, or Hybrids in general, but have purchased, will be purchasing soon, or are seriously considring a purchase of a hybrid as their next car.. I own two Prius myself, the '02 and '04. My aunt and uncle will be taking delivery of an '06 in January, and have been asking me about mine since they first learned I had it. My wife has an aunt and uncle with an '04 as well. My in-laws are also toying with the idea of a new hybrid, but are still in the research phase. They may be more in the market of a used car though. Also, my parents have mentioned more than one an interest in the benefits of a hybrid for fuel economy, but are disappointed with the approach that Toyota has taken with their SUV's in that they're more performance oriented than economy minded. They want the room of an SUV (not sure why, they have a Tacoma as well), and aren't quite sure that the Prius would be big enough for them. An aunt (mom's sister) also feels similarly about size - and had until last year a substantial commute to make hybrid ownership quite practical otherwise. Anyone else have more than one family or extended family member who either followed your lead w/ a hybrid purchase of your own, or bought one conincidentally as well?
I have a 06 in order for January delivery. So far no one in my family has considered one as far as I know, but my collegue at work (yes we are only 2 people ) is really concidering one too. Guess after I receive mine, it won't be long before he orders one too...
I've added a poll to boot. When I was writing this, I didn't think of friends as much as family, but I've had friends who strongly considered a Prius after talking to me, or riding/driving my car. I guess you could take it as friends or family. The basis of the question was to determine just how influencial real experience between you and those close to you had on others' next purchase. And to add to it, would that person have even considered one before seeing or talking to you about your car?
My parents have an '06 "on order" and hope to take delivery in January or February. I also have neighbors who are now considering a Prius or a Highlander Hybrid. In addition, my neighbor's father is thinking about getting a hybrid, after seeing mine. I'm not sure how influencial I was, or if it was more about explaining how the system works, how long the waranty is on the hybrid system, and dispelling all the popular myths.
I'm the first hybrid in the family (mainly to balance the SUV we bought last year) but I think I might have an effect: hubby is now looking at the Lexus 400h .... hybrid SUV!!!
my friends' parents decided to order a prius after we got ours... not sure if there's a direct correlation there. my mom is fascinated with my car but has her current car almost paid off and doesn't want another car payment for a while. tried talking my stepdad into a hihy or rx400, but he wants a jeep something-or-another. my dad pretty much needs a pickup. oh well. they can just envy our gas bills B)
My kids both want a hybrid. One is a Environmental Studies major, the other a Graphic Designer now looking for a Grad degree in Political Communications, want a hybrid but they are both just starting out and can't afford one. The Nurse I work with got one!
4 total Prii in out family; Me: '04 Tideland Mom: '04 Driftwood Daughter: '03 Blue Moon Pearl Brother in Law: '03 Silver Can't wait for the Lexus GS 450h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My parents hasn't purchased a car in quite a few years but this vehicle is making them think seriously about the technology. I'm from a Ford family and as such they tend to stick to those vehicles. They weren't against me getting a Toyota, but they aren't real fond of the local dealer, which I didn't buy from anyway. Mom would probably go for a Mariner Hybrid when the time comes. My dad is waiting for a hybrid F-150. He is kind of mechanical in nature and is convinced that Ford can do it. He understands what electric motor torque can do (has worked with cold storage room refrigeration, 20-150 hp compressors) and is convinced that hybridization is the future of pick-up truck performance. This car has a way of making people think about new ways of doing stuff rather than accepting the tried and true.
Wife and I have 2 Hybrids as seen in the avatar. Father in Law has a Lexus 400H... My parents won't let go of the Towncar.
convinced my mom to get rid of the 02 cadillac and get a 400h. dad didn't like the idea (foreign car company) but he loves the 400h now... unless he's in a bad mood.. then he doesn't see why. lol... old men are funny. lol
Other: My ex-girlfriend and her father each bought a Prius. Both were influenced by my happiness with my Prius.
I'm an other. in 2004 we were looking to replace our Ford (family car at the time) My sister and I convinced my dad to go look at something he didn't want to do-- buy a foreign car. we went, he looked, loved the MPG and the car's size and signed up for the waiting list (was told 8+ months) which was fine cause we weren't in a hurry. I graduated last May. Wanted a car in June, mainly cause we kept the ford as my car... and it was just eatting gas compared to the prius looked around til July. Didn't know what kind or anything else. I felt kinda responsible at the time for my dad getting his in June of '04 and eventually convinced myself that since I'm driving a long way, this is the car that i want. It wasn't any other issue other than money. Of course the neighbors have to think we're insane. Two brand new cars in the middle of a middle class neighborhood, same kind, same everything else. And they all know how much they cost, only they don't know what package either of ours is. I don't think they could believe it when i got mine home and parked it in the drive way for close to a week. (I should mention I took whatever I had earned previous to this + money I had on the side for my continuing education to buy this car. I rubbed my mom's nerves raw by doing that, but I was suffering burn out from being a professional student and had my bachelors already)
I'm not sure how much influence I had on the purchase, but while I've been waiting for my Prius (ordered 11/14/2005 - purchased 2/22/2006) I've talked about it with my mom on the phone. Well I got a call from my parents on Friday (2/24/2006). They walked in to a Toyota dealer in Florida to take a look at the Prius and bought one right then and there. Seems that my dad just decided to buy it as an impulse purchase. :huh:
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law both *want* a Prius after seeing the rental we drove to visit, does that count? Neither are currently in a position to buy a new car but I could see them considering a Prius when the need next arises. -- Cindy
The night I bought my Prius my dad put in an order for one. He picked it up 10 days later. Loves it. He's getting double the mileage he got in his Passat and with a 40 mi round trip commute he's chuffed about the savings.
My wife asked me today if I would like to buy another Prius to replace our Subaru. In all honesty though, this is more a case of her knowing that I will not consider any other car currently on the market. The hybrid Honda Fit might be a future contender.