A friend of mine likes the JDM Luxis LS137A shift knob that I modified for my Prius"v." The original LS137A is made only for the Gen III Prius and sat too high for the Prius"v." I centered it carefully onto a lathe chuck, drilled it down further into the aluminum and rethreaded the hole. Now, another friend in California wants one modified for his Prius"c." A don't have access to the "c," since I live on the opposite coast. He doesn't want a generic knob with a "plastic" insert adapter for the M8x1.25 thread. He wants a knob threaded to M8x1.25 with no adapters. I need to know the "length" of the threaded part on the end and the "width" of the smooth shaft under the threaded part. Thanks for all who help. My friend thanks you, too.
I stumbled on this while on ebay, It says the dimensions are M8x1.25. I am just reposting what I read on the ebay post, I have not measured it or otherwise verified this information. Good luck.
It's a stepped taper stalk. It extends out about 120mm from the trim. The top 27mm is 7mm wide with 24mm tapped. Below that you have 20mm of 8mm shaft and then the rest is 9mm.