My 2004 is no longer garaged, and in extremely cold weather (10 degrees and below) the dash doesn't light up for 20 minutes. That means no speedometer, odometer, fuel guage, or warning lights. The turn signals do work. The Navigation system works after about 2 minutes, but won't track any consumption. Toyotta says this is normal, but other Prius owners I have talked with do not have the same problem. Toyota replaced the entire Nav system because of a service bulletin on this problem but it hasn't solved the problem. I have placed a complaint with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as well as the consumer news people at the local TV Networks as Toyots refuses to do anything about the problem. It is definitely a safety issue having to drive with no speedometer or warning lights. Anybody else experience this problem?
My dash and video display have worked well below ZERO F. I have the photos to prove it too. LOL.... 10 degrees! Here in Michigan, we'll drive around with the windows lowered a bit at 10 F to enjoy some fresh air.
It's also been around zero here too and I have no problems. Sometimes the video display is slighly dimmer for a few seconds, but never noticed any difference with the dash
Obviously it's not correct for it to not work when it's that cold....I could understand the MFD not working while it warms up (10 seconds maximum), but the dash lights? No way....bad connection somewhere.
Sounds like you need to raise this issue to the regional service rep. That should not happen. 10 degrees is not that cold. Did this start occuring before or after the Nav system replacement?
That happened with my Ford Probe, but that was when the car was over 10 years old and it was an electrical problem (bad ground maybe).
The Toyota Service Manager was on the phone with the region as I was on the phone with him and the region is who told him it is normal. I am waiting for the local news media to arrive to interview me. This isn't over yet.
so you only went to one dealer then? go somewhere that has techs that know how cars are supposed to work...
The Speedo and gauges in that general area are, I believe, electro-luminescent displays and should work well down to the below zero range. The LCD in the MFD is another issue. It sounds to me like there is a thermally sensitive connection in the display circuitboard.
I would be skeptical of that. He was ordering a pizza for all we know. I really think Toyota would take this issue more seriously. Some service departments are just bad.
This is an update. NBC interviewed me and I will be on the local news tonight (they tell me). NBC also called Toyota National Service who ran it down the chain and I have been receiving all sorts of calls from my dealer up to the Region Service Manager. I am dropping the Prius off at the dealer in the A.M. and they are going to give me a loaner until they determine what the problem is. I'm an Electrical Engineer by trade and so I take what they tell me with a grain of salt. I never bought the problem as being the NAV System that they replaced 2 months ago for the same problem. It seems that the problem isn't just a display problem as the consumption calculations don't take place either, thus indicating a loss of data from somewhere. Could be a thermally sensitive connection or some other thermal related issue. The ball is in their court. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you go to the press!
Another update: I dropped the Prius off this morning (the dash problem is still there). They gave me a Rav4 for a loaner (it's better than the old Corolla Service Loaner they usually give me). As soon as I hear from them I'll update everyone again. The Regional Service Manager admitted that no one else has the problem and the original Region rep my Service Manager talked with "misunderstood the problem". YEAH RIGHT!! I told him the only reason he called me back was that I went to NBC news and they called corporate. He denied that and said if he knew of my problem he would have called because TOYOTA really cares about our problems. (If you believe that I have a bridge I'd like to sell you in Brooklyn, NY). Stay tuned for more updates.
Maybe they'll wait a month until the spring thaw to return the car. How will you test the fix? Drive to Kuujjuaq, Canada? :lol:
I think they know by now that I won't give up that easily. Next winter if it still has the problem it will be on record and they wouldn't dare refuse the warranty issue then. Besides, I still have the reporter's cell phone # and he wants to know if they don't resolve the issue, even if it's next year!
Update Toyota cannot duplicate the problem and thus cannot do anything about it. They want the loaner back and told me to pick up the car. When it happens again they will give me another loaner and try to isolate the problem again. I have notified NBC news with the update. National service gave me a case # and assured me it will be covered by the warranty even if next winter. We'll have to wait and see what happens next. Maybe with their playing around with the wiring they fixed it?? I'll update as the situation requires.
Another update, The Regional Service Manager called this morning to follow up and indicated that he is giving me an unlimited mileage warranty for the life of the vehicle (no expiration) on the digital dashboard components (not the whole car). He is putting it in writing at the dealership and I can pick up a copy at any time. So, if it happens 2 years from now it will still be covered under the warranty, and will include a free loaner vehicle while they troubleshoot and fix the problem. I really can't ask for much more than that. We'll see what happens now. I'll continue to update this topic as required.
We are experiencing some real cold weather here in Norway at the moment. I left my car outside during the night, just to see how it would behave the next morning. The temerature was as low as -25degrees celcius (-13 fahrenheit) The car was totally frozen but startet up like usual. Did not experience any unusual. The only thing was the battery bar showed almost empty. After about 10min with full heat the car was defrosted and all windshields free of ice.