did anyone put 165 wheels on the prius c? like what people did with the prius that came on the basic version with 185 and put 175 on them for better fuel eff.
Put the tire sizes into a tire size calculator (many on Google search) and pay close attention to the outer diameter and speedometer error figures.
The old vw bug standard tire 165/70x15 would inde[ed get better mileage without changing the speedometer or odometer readings enough to note; unfortunately they aren't easy to find. Tirerack proposes a 165-15 tire but doesn't spec the diameter so the size match to 175/65x15 or 165/70x15 isn't easy.The title page says its 165/80x15 which hass a calculated diameter of 25.39" which isn't real close to 175/65x15's 23.95" but could suffice. Otherwise the manufacturer "classic' doesn't thrill me either. Discount tire direct offers a Nanking 165/80x15 tire for $68 including shipping. We have had a real tightwad who ran a set of Nankings without any problems whatsoever but he never exceeded the speed limits -ever. On the prive and our one sample I'd go with the Nankings. good luck
problem is that the OEM are already a size thats not to commen the 165x80 is even worst and 165 70 15 is the best size only 0.58% diff