Here's a story I just posted on HybridScoop - a new site I'm launching to blog Hybrid News:
This is great for us. We drive the LIE every day. I just phoned the Dept. of Motor Vehicles Clean Pass number (1-800-697=0558) They say it will take about 10 days to get the stickers. It will save me about 30 minutes time every day.
Thanks for the great info! Just called, was told they are getting the stickers in a few days, and I should recevie it 7 days after that so about 10 days from now. There wil be 4 stickers which will go 2 on each bumper. This is for now only on the Long island stretch of the LIE, with plans to add the other ones around the city, like LIE in queens to midtown tunnel, BQE in Brooklyn the ends at the Prospect expwy. They are testing it to see how it works out, not sure for how long though. But at least this is a start. Seems that are a few of the hybrid cars qualify for this. Read that the new acord will not. And of course those SUV hybrids will not. Bryan
"This is for now only on the Long island stretch of the LIE, with plans to add the other ones around the city, like LIE in queens to midtown tunnel, BQE in Brooklyn the ends at the Prospect expwy." I don't understand. The HOV lanes end at the Qeens border. There are no HOV lanes on the LIE between Queens and the midtown tunnel or on the BQE, nor are there plans to build HOV lanes there.
Yes there are lanes for hov in the AM towards manhattan from just pass the BQE exit to the tunnel. What they do is take a lane from the East bound side of the LIE and use it for HOV west bound traffic. They even have one of those mvoing barrier trucks there. I think its only in service from 7am till 10am Plus on the BQE going towards the brooklyn bridge there is a cone lane that also is in use during early AM for HOV only traffic ( of course this includes buses). It ends just before the prospect expwy. Remember HOV lanes donot have to be permant barriers to qualify for Federal HOV lanes. Hope this helps ------------------------------------------------- This is direct form the NYCDOT site: Long Island Expressway HOV Lane Into Queens-Midtown Tunnel Open to All Vehicles With Three or More Passengers The existing bus and taxi high occupancy vehicle lane (HOV) into the Queens-Midtown Tunnel is open for any motorists who have three or more persons in their vehicle (HOV 3+). The hours of operation are 7 AM to 10 AM on the westbound LIE from Calvary Cemetery to the tunnel. The $4.5 million expansion of the HOV lane was made possible following an upgrade to movable concrete barrier from the existing plastic pylons and cones that have been previously utilized. The change to movable concrete barrier provided increased safety protection - including reduced accident risks and improving the contra-flow lane operation. The Movable Concrete Barrier (MCB) system consists of a series of safety-shaped concrete barrier segments connected by steel-pinned hinges to form a continuous barrier. The cross-section of the concrete barrier is similar to the standard safety-shape barrier except the top of the barrier has a "T" shape, which allows connected segments to be lifted and shifted laterally using a Barrier Transfer Machine (BTM). The BTM can move the concrete barrier at a speed of about six to eight mph and would take about half an hour to move the barrier into position. The New York State Department of Transportation In-House Structures Unit designed this project and construction personnel trained New York City DOT crews on the operation of the machinery. The State DOT turned the project over to the City DOT to operate following the completion of construction. New York City DOT is now responsible for the operation and maintenance of the movable barrier system. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will coordinate the safe traffic movement in from the HOV lane into the Tunnel area. The New York City Police Department will be enforcing the HOV 3+ restrictions. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel HOV-3 Lane on Gowanus Expressway The HOV lane on the Gowanus Expressway leading to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel is open only to vehicles with three or more passengers, buses, emergency vehicles, and taxis and for-hire vehicles with at least one passenger. Vehicles using the HOV lane must have E-Z Pass. The HOV-3 lane runs from the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and is in effect Manhattan-bound only from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. on weekdays. Vehicles with fewer than three people are not be permitted in the HOV lane but other vehicles will be able to access the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel via the regular lanes of the Gowanus Expressway. Bryan