Seeking input on installing a camera in the front of our "v"... Only need a view from the front lower lip to assist with parking....Not opposed to a small screen and a switch to activate when parking.... Can a "rear camera/screen be easily modified to accomplish this..???
Consider installing an aftermarket front parking sensor kit similar to the "Front Parking Main Kit" offered as accessory on the European Prius+/Prius v - see attached. Or maybe parking will become easier with practice. I find our Prius v to be very easy to parallel park since it is much smaller than our other main vehicle. I see you have a "Five". Have you tried the automatic parking feature? We used it when we first bought the car but we can park it much faster without it.
Don't know about the camera, but parking sensors like Offline suggested can be installed front and back by any reputable Hack-Shack.
Have you tried the automatic parking feature? This feature must only come with the AT upgrade.... We only have problems with judging the distance from the front lower bumper to raised parking barriers..
I have Plus performance package. so i am lower and have ground effects. only bump parking block twice since i have owned it. but i tend to notice i kinda park far from them. that Europe parking main kit looks like it solve my issue.
I have an idea. What about a three way Reverse camera anytime switch which can also toggle between the front and reverse camera. The three settings for the 3 way rocker dash mounted switch would be: position 1: default: reverse cam behaviour (on when in reverse only) position 2: reverse cam anytime position 3: front cam anytime Have a look at my noob electronics schematic... Would it work? My electronics knowledge is limited btw.