Take a look http://www.priuschat.com/shop/popup_image.php/pID/23 I'm the 9th person from the bottom left hand side.. on the very very bottom.. I see many others in there too! btw.. while you're at it.. buy a calender *EDIT* .. the newer picture http://www.ambientmining.com/PriusCover50pct.jpg click to zoom.. er vice-versa
Find the first Bill Merchant head in the top row, then move like a Rook. Or, if that is confusing you, find the second Bill Merchant head in the top row, then move like a King (and no, not a Castling for you chess players). There sure are a lot of Bill Merchant heads. Eeeewwwww! . . . but hey, they make for great markers! :lol: By the way, is he back from his business trip to Australia yet, or did they lock-him-up for walking around with a HSD emblem stuck to his forehead?
I'd have to guess that by the number of Bill Merchant heads in that picture, it's a Bill Merchant production? I did see a lot of others, but had to answer "I think" for mine.
If you had an avatar (active poster or not) in your profile on Thanksgiving weekend of last year, your avatar should be there at least once. There was some refinement of the first couple of weeks in December where some extra images slipped in (e.g., the rabbit from fred's house of pancakes) or were updated with more current avatar's. If you added or changed an avatar later than that, you won't see it in the photo. Alternatively, every conceivable prius color and angle seems to be represented, so if your avatar is something like that you are sure to spot an image that looks pretty much like yours. Some avatars, like the Bill Merchant photo appear a bunch of times. It is just that they had the right amount of matching color / contrast orientation to fit in a lot of places in the picture. The software I was using to support this piece gravitated to images like those. The SOS calendar thread describes the making of the image in a little more detail (there is also a version with better resolution).... Enjoy -- bigdaddy
3rd column 9th row and what's with the GM ones? 18th C, 31st R 8th C, 32nd R 14th C, 43rd R 1st C, 7 rows from bottom muhahahah and a billion more. my eyes are just getting sore :blink:
i've now found myself twice.. and i thought i was only in there once.. ok.. now 5 times and i've only searched about 25%.. i figured the outer edges liked my contrast.. btw.. windstrings.. look at he bottom right.. find the GM symbol.. looks who's on top of it
LOL, that's the first thing I noticed! There are Bill Merchants everywhere! Oh yes, and I found mine 2x on there so far. The dude in the turquoise shirt in my avatar helped me identify it.
i think i stopped counting when i hit about 8 o so.... then i saw a few more.. so i think i may have well over a dozen of my avatar in there. I think tripp may have joined too late?.. i don't see his anywhere in there.. but I did see a lot of windstrings.
Nope, I joined about a month before the Calendar was made (23 OCT). I think I put my avatar up in early NOV.
Yeah. I don't see mine anywhere, either. There are SEVERAL ones of HAL 9000 on there, but none of mine that I can see (which is actually surface imaging of the star Betelgeuse). I suspect that mine may have looked too similar to the HAL 9000 eye, so may not have been used. I'm nearly certain that I had this avatar on here by mid-November. . .
i... i found myself!!! i knew college was good for something... oh. you mean the avatar. yeah i found that too.
At least two of the Hybrid rear (middle top in the white line and slightly to the left also in the white circle... "Hybrid"'s everywhere, so to speak... grin.