If you have a ScanGauge, where have you chosen to mount it? Or do you mount it at all, or maybe just hook it up occasionally? I'm not seeing a lot of great locations for it. And are you stuffing any excess wire from the connector to the ScanGauge itself up under the dash? Inquiring minds want to know....
OK, I know not many people have a ScanGauge, so I'm not expecting a lot of replies, but, anyone??? <Bump...>
I think you can see how I mounted it in this picture. It was the simplest way I could imagine and works just fine. Its out of the way and easy to see while driving. Also the wire is easy to hide. What you can't see is that I have a piece of velcro holding up the coil of wire behind the ScanGuage so it doesn't hang down. Without the camera flash, you can't see the wire. I keep two inch wide Velcro strips in connection with my cycling. I used that instead of little pieces supplied so I wouldn't need to be so exect when taking the ScanGuage on and off. I use it occasionally on my other car. If you are going to leave it in place, you wouldn't have this requirement. Allan de
OK I just opened the compartment and put the ScanGage on the open lid. OK it is not great but it works. I put a few cork legs on the back and bottom to cut down the noise.
Thanks, Allan! The picture was especially helpful. I went back out and played with it a bit--wound up mounting mine a bit farther down than yours is, but in the same area. It looks pretty good, actually!
Do you mean the slide-out compartment on the front of the center console? I did look at that, but decided to do something similar to what Allan did (above). I do appreciate your taking the time to share your solution, though. Thanks!
I put mine on top of the dash.. to the left of the steering wheel.. Had the wire comming out of the dash right where the unit is mounted.. Had it velcroed on.. worked great.. Mine is now for sale if you are interested... Scott
I thought it might be a bit too prominent/distracting on top of the dash. Good to know you feel it worked well. I already have one, thanks; just curious, though--why are you selling yours?