I am not sure this is the correct forum, but here goes. I have a 2005 Prius, purchased in Dec. 2005 with current mileage at about 4000 miles. I am interested in purchasing one of the extended warranties mentioned in this forum....about $900. I understand that Toyota Financial Services does not sell these in Fl or Al. Yet I know someone in Al that did purchase one from the dealer in Mobile. What is the scoop?? Can I get one of these from MA, KS, or whereever and have it good in Mobile, which is where I purchased the car? Thanks for the help for a new Prius owner. Placebow B)
Look under the extended warranty forum and email Troy and ask him. He'll give you the straight story.
I called TFS once about my warranty (my dealer in North Carolina would sell it so I bought it from a Toyota dealer in Virginia) and he said that their warranty is valid at any Toyota dealership, even in regions that aren't selling them. He in fact told me that they are often the underwriting insurance for the policies that are being sold for extended Toyota warranty.