Hi all- What is the most highly rated portable navigation system with voice directions? Is it easy to update the software? Thanks! -S
without a doubt ... Nuvi 350 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...6&link_code=as1 Check out the reviews... There's a couple of shortcommings ... but great unit.
The nuvi 350 has received great ratings and accolades (see http://www.rated4stars.com/html/garmin-nuv...s-ratings.html) and is certainly a top choice, but the answer to the question question of "best gps" really depends on your specific needs and preferences. The nuvi 350 is especially ideal for those who travel by air and internationally and need portability and the additional travel features (language translator, travel guides) it includes. (That's me and I wish I had one.) Garmin's StreetPilot 2720 (see http://www.rated4stars.com/html/garmin-str...20-gps-ra.html) is another highly rated system (includes live traffic via FM signal) or the 2730 (see http://www.rated4stars.com/html/garmin-str...730-gps-ra.html ) which was just released an provides both traffic and weather via integrated XM radio. Could be ideal if you already have an XM subscription. I own several GPS units but mostly use the Garmin StreetPilot c-series (http://www.rated4stars.com/html/garmin-streetpilot-c340-gps-re.html ) which has fewer features and is less expensive. What I like about all of these Garmin systems is that, yes, they're easy to update on your computer (though it's rarely necessary) but most important, the user interface is incredibly easy. I think Garmin implemented the best interface -- it's easy and intuitive with big touch-screen buttons. The biggest challenge is that there is a growing number of models to choose from now and it's a bit overwhelming. See http://www.rated4stars.com/html/car-gps-reviews.html for an overview. Hope this helps.
Forget what everyone says... If you don't need multiple via points. (nuvi has only 1) then nuvi is for you. I tried a couple on my prius and they were just too big too position and more importantly remove (very hot item for thiefs)
Great info! I noticed the Nuvi is about $100 more than the StreetPilot. Is it considered a better unit, or just has strengths in some areas whereas StreetPilot possesses it in other areas? Also, I assume both units are better than the stock Nav of the Prius #8 package?
I don't have it yet but I will be buying the garmin 7200. It is bout $1200.00 but it has a 7" screen. here is a link to it. http://www.gpscity.com/product-reviews-gar...stem/sp7200.htm I read user reviews and everyone is very happy with it. good luck Don
I have a StreetPilot III. Now that I have had a chance to use the Navigation system in the Prius I can comment on both. (I just got my Prius in January) I have found both accurate. But there is one feature I find absolutely useful in the Prius GPS. When you enter the destination in the Prius GPS you have an option to enter the phone number of your destination. The other day my wife and I were trying to decide where to eat. We have one of those discount entertainment books where you can use coupons for 2 for 1 dinners etc. Well, all we had to do is enter the phone number of the resturant and bam, there it was. The Garmin GPS units do not have this option (at least on my StreetPilot III). I find that indispensible. The Garmin products are fine products. But I always felt I had to install them each time I wanted to use them or else they just might walk away while I was not there. Having the GPS integrated has taken care of that fear. The difference really comes down personal taste. But both products are truly excellent. Just my 2 cents. Cheers
If you have a notebook computer then I suggest and highly recommend Microsoft streets and trips 2006 version, it has voice and visual directions plus a lot more. This readily available software costs around $ 100 to $120, yearly updates (if you want them) run $20 to $ 30. I am a Courier/Manager and use this product daily, I won't leave home without it. CHECK IT OUT. Tom
I have the Madgellan 360 and it works great for me. You can't talk to it, but it talks to you. If you can spring the extra bucks (around $799) you can get the 760 which has a few features my version does not, including the option to have it say out loud the name of the street or exit you need to take, and the option of having a male or female voice. Both versions can speak French and Spanish as well. Both can re-route you on the fly and both have the ability to store info you input. In the 360, you can designate 3 different users and each one has the ability to store 200 destinations. It also has over 2,000,000 "points of interest", i.e. stores, restaurants, banks, museums, etc. The 760 offers 5,000,000+. It is touch screen, small enough to fit comfortably above your MFD (that is where mine lives on a bracket that suctions to the windshield), easy to see, pretty stupid proof and can give you your route with or without using freeways or toll roads. I think the 360 sells for $499 at CostCo. It also comes with a wall adapter so that you can remove it from the car to program addresses in it in the comfort of your home. It also shows you icons for different things that may be of interest as you travel, touch the icon and it will identify the business or what have you, usually with the phone number as well. All in all, I think either is a pretty good deal and I have used mine alot more that I realized I would. Oh, and updates are a snap, you just connect to your computer via a supplied usb cable and away you go. Before I got my GPS for my car, my Prius was wonderful, now it is perfect! Take care & have a super day, Tisza
The links I posted earlier have more detailed info, but one of the benefits of the nuvi is the SiRF chipset, a new generation of GPS chips that are more sensitive and use less power. This helps the GPS keep a satellite lock when signals are weak, like in urban areas with tall buildings or under dense foliage. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the other nuvi benefits are portability and the additional "travel kit" features. It's meant to go with you after you leave your car and as you're walking down unfamiliar streets. Nice for Europe travel, etc. By the way, the newer Garmin units do have phone numbers for many of the points of interest like restaurants.
The built in GPS for Prius is way better than the Garmin GPS. Some of the advantages are: 1. Screen in builtin GPS gives a split view on approaching turns. 2. Informs you about turns way in advance than Garmin's GPS. 3. THe built in GPS (2006) has a cool voice recognition feature 4. Less wire clutter 5. Satellites are always tracted by the built in GPS, Where Garmin GPS will experience delay in tracking satellites. In general, the GPS that comes with the Prius is easier to use and is more visually appealing. The only advanage that I could find about the Garmin GPS is the real time traffic information, but that feature needs subscriptions.
I just bought a Lowrance I-way 350c two weeks ago, and it is outstanding at 399.00 street price. I'm sure they all do a great job and all have different features, but if your in the market, you should at least check it out. The FM modulator is very cool, as if it is part of the car, all maps are preloaded, USB port for FREE upgrades, 15hr charge so it is portable...etc. I had it in my house and it still "locked" to satellites. My wife had it in the back seat of the car with "sat" locked, very cool. Comes with car charger, glass/dash mount, USB cable, lintfree cloth, and cover. Oh, yea, also plays mp3s,jpgs,ogg, etc. They are all cool... this one is fantastic for the money! P.S. Also has voice recognition, so it "pronounces" the actual name of the streets, not just "left in 200ft". Also shows you a turn preview. http://www.lowrance.com/Automotive/Products/iWAY350C.asp OUscarb
Great info!! On one of the replies, someone mentioned needing to pay for a traffic update subscription. Is that the case with all these units, or do some "tap" into some reserved radio frequency and update their computer navigation plans with live traffic feed? Thanks!
One basic question to ask is whether you want a unit that is optimum for in vehicle use or one that can be used while walking/hiking. I have a Treo smartphone and use Tomtom Navigator 5 with it (usually in the other car). I find it compares favorably with the Prius Nav system regarding trip routing and directions. The larger Prius screen is nice but Tomtom has a 3D display which is very usable on the smaller Treo screen. Also having the GPS combined with my phone means I usually have GPS capability with me. I also use Streets & Trips on my notebook (great screen but a bit difficult to carry). The Tomtom software came with a bluetooth GPS receiver which I can also use with Streets & Trips.
My wife wanted a nav sys for her 03 Accord......After some quick research ...... I tested and bought the Tom Tom Go 700 ($699 Sam's Club). Does everything my Prius system does and then some (little more user friendly). Big upside of the portables is they are about 1/3 the Price vs integrated. They can also be transfered to other vehicles. Downside is..... #1-sound is not integrated with stereo. #2-Sun glare. #3-screen size.
My Prius has the Nav - which works great. My wife has the TomTom Navigator on her Palm Tunsgten E2. She likes the user interface better on the TomTom, but there is a bug in the Bluetooth driver so it doesn't work consistently. As far as I know, this is only a problem for this model Palm. We have also noticed that the Prius maps are more current than the TomTom maps. A new highway that opened about 2 years ago is on my Prius maps, but not shown at all on the TomTom. The other "downside" to note on the built-in for the Prius is that you cannot enter destinations while driving unless you buy the add-on or enter the sequence to disable that "safety" feature.
This is all EXCELLENT info! I have created a summary sheet of all these rec NAVS, and am starting on exploring all the reviews. Thanks PC NAV community!