Welcome, gentlemen! My name is Andrew. Excuse me if I write it is not clear, I do not speak English. I live in Russia. For 7 years I am the owner Toyota Prius. Now I want to try something new. Loved volts. In Russia, it is impossible to buy a volt. Can you help me? Purchase plan for this fall, because the Volt will be from 3 to 5 years. Only this age of cars can be imported to our country. Thank you.
your english is very good andrew, welcome to priuschat! i'm not quite sure what you are asking. your thread title, 'dissuade' means to talk you out of buying one. but you seem to be asking for help in buying one. can you try to clarify? thanks!
Hi from Slovenia! I'm Andrej as well If you're asking about the Volt or Ampera (it's almost the same car) I suggest you turn to this forum: Chevy Volt Owners Forum It's a dedicated Volt/Ampera forum, where you'll get faster and more detailed response.
This means that I made the right choice))) I want to talk with the owners volts. Learn how the car behaves at low temperatures. Because we have the Urals winter temperature drops Below -30 ° Celsius. Yet I have never bought a car in the United States. Tell me how to do it? Can I buy a car directly from the owner? Or only autocenter?
Thanks for answers. I contacted you just because myself am an avid user of the forum on the Russian priuschat.ru priuschat very sympathetic people. And I'm glad you are all exactly the same.
I know about this car and Ampera suits me more. It is made for Europe, and we are European standards. But ampera younger volt, she asked 3 years, there is no sales in Europe. I think the price is too High. I can not afford expensive cars $ 22,000. After all, we have to pay half the cost of auto customs.
Another possibility is the Plug_in Prius. I am not trying to dissuade you but if the Volt or Ampera is not possible, you can try Plug-In Prius.
Yes, my dear friend! I considered this option. 7 years ago, I was the sole owner of the Prius in the city. I'm proud of it. Now Prius in a city like dirt. And we have a lot of dirt. I do not want to be Like everyone else. Prius reliable, all good, but I want to move on, try something new.
This video will show you, how the Volt/Ampera behaves in a very cold weather: I also have a YouTube channel with different Ampera videos. Maybe you will find something usefull: Andrej Potokar - YouTube You can check this site for European used cars. Maybe you can find something, that suits you. mobile.de – Gebrauchtwagen und neue Autos – Deutschlands größter Fahrzeugmarkt. My friend bought a Model Year 2012 Ampera from the dealer (a new car waiting in the shop) for a 33.000 EUR - 4.000 EUR of government subsidies.
Wow. Andrew, thank you very much. I watched your video. Do I understand correctly that you yourself possess AMPERA? How do you machine compared with prius? I noticed you are using the same torque pro. The very use This program. Thank you for the useful link. Ampere there from 24,000 euros. Sorry for me not lift amount. I will probably save.And there, on that last will choose, or volt ampere.
there are some volt threads here that you may want to check out. a lot of them are owners with experience in both volt and prius and can guide you with good comparisons. all the best!
Be sure to read while trying to translate gm-volt site a lot of information, watch the video of Andrew, his measurements when driving at Ampere. A lot of time is spent on a Russian translation. But I'm definitely starting to like Ampera. Find not expensive option within $ 22000. I think it's fantastic so far (((