Hello people of 2013. We're 40 minutes into 2014 now. It seems OK so far. Happy New Year, everyone! I hope it's a happy and peaceful year for all of you. Here are a couple of appallingly-amateur pictures of the Sydney New Year fireworks from my garden - I took them with my phone, so apologies for the dodgy quality. The kids stayed up till midnight to watch them. They loved it. We live less than a mile from the bridge, so we got a brilliant view. And here's a rather more professional film of the fireworks.
And I haven't even had my first drink yet... Happy New Years to those in it already and those to which will see it soon enough!
As this year winds down, I am hopeful the new year brings peace. As for the alcohol, that will be consumed later this day and into the new one. May you each find what you need in the new year, and I hope it's what you want.
Time, I think, for you lot to start drinking (except Spiderman, as it's still early in Anchorage). We're nearly 15 hours in to 2014 now, and it still seems OK, you'll be pleased to know. The sky has not fallen. I still think we've had the best fireworks so far, although London, Hong Kong and Dubai were all very good. The Hong Kong footage isn't great - see what you can find on TV.
Yes, it all seems OK here. 19 1/2 hours into 2014 and still the sky hasn't fal..... Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!