Hey all- I just stumbled on this article on CNN, with the below excerpt that leaves me questioning how this will affect Prius performance and fuel economy. What do you think? ""This year's new fuel reformulation requirements make the spring and summer blends already costlier" than last year, she said. The convergence of previous and new environmental regulations -- lower levels of sulfur allowed, for instance, and use of ethanol rather than the additive MBTE -- will add to the cost and tighten the supply."* *an excerpt from: http://money.cnn.com/2006/02/26/news/econo...dex.htm?cnn=yes
OK I was going to post this and with this information it seems the time. One tank ago I notice a significant jump in my M.P.G. This was equivalent to the winter summer jump, in mid February? Does not make sense. We have potential for a few more weeks of winter weather, including temperature inversions. Despite that the last tank took a huge jump and the one I am working on is even greater. Why so early? The Bush White house has implied that there would be a change in the gas formulation after Katrina. I really think we are seeing and winter-summer shift in February.
ok the link also talks about gas prices saying the lowest was for self-serve gas in Portland, OR i was unaware that the state of Or allowed you to pump your own gas... is this true??
All of the gasoline stations where I live already have a blend of 10% ethanol in their fuels, so it doesn't affect my mileage.
Since I have been using low-sulfur gas mixed with ethanol in my Prius for 5.5 YEARS already, my response is just a grin. It's about time the rest of the country adopt that well proven fuel.
Tis true! Oregonians, for the most part, are a self-serving bunch. They just aren't allowed to pump their own gas. I guess that covers it. It's funny watching Oregon drivers at California gas stations. Once I had a young gal ask me, "It says to PAY FIRST . . . how do I know how much to pay beforrrreeee I pump the gas?????"
pay first, yes they tried that here and the stations that put it into effect lost so much bussiness that it was cancelled in about 1 1/2 weeks. Even had the TV news crew at a station near here and it was rush hour and there was no one in there getting gas. Even the oil corps were saying that it's a no go here in Canada. Self serve every where and only a very few full service stations left.
Wait!! We got away from the performance/MPG effects on the Prius with this blend of gas and onto "Is there self service in Oregon"!!
Just to continue the OR self pumped gas diversion The one place that you can get self serve gas in Oregon is on Indian Reservations. There is a station just east of Pendleton on I-84 by the Wild Horse Casino for one. Gas is no cheaper though.
That's because there really isn't anything to discuss. Ethanol contains 33% less energy than pure gasoline. That means you'll lose roughly 1.7 MPG using E10. Ethanol does increase horsepower. But the gain from E10 is rather small.
about all the profits that all the oil companies made. How much does a gallon of ethanol really cost? all subsidies in Edit: we'd be far better off it the government just mandated a 10% increase of the CAFE standards. A lot better off if it was 20% and at 30% would probably drop the imports by half.
to be honest with ya, im very surprised that bush has not raised the gas tax to help pay for the war in iraq. i figured he would and make up some other excuse as to why it had to be done...