Attention Milwaukee area Hybrid owners! The next Milwaukee Hybrid Group meeting will be March 4th at the Oak Creek Public Library. 8620 South Howell Avenue, Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154. 10:00am-12:00pm We have many members coming up from the Racine/Kenosha area so we've tried to accomodate them by hosting in Oak Creek. Our meeting will be in the meeting room. We have many new owners so experienced owners are encouraged to attend and share their knowledge. If you want to attend and are not on our mailing list please contact us at [email protected]. We're finalizing our agenda and will post that next week. Remember that your hybrid experience is valuable to us all. Also a reminder to mark your calenders for the weekend of July 22. Hybridfest 2006 will be the place to be! We're proceeding with plans to make this the largest Hybird event in the Midwest. Check it out at Also please consider volunteering too. We're also working on plans for our annual Brewer get together probably in June at Miller Park. More details to come.
Sweet! My in-laws are coming in for a visit, and contrary to historic scheduling it's not even coming close to conflicting. At a "jaunt" of only 39 miles from my house, I truly hope to make it. But 10:00am? There's barely enough time in the morning to wash poor Priapus. <-sad car
Hey, what can I say? The drive into another state is still shorter than any location you suggest! HA HA Ha ha ha ha
The Milwaukee Group meeting should be well attended and there's always room fo more! They have worked hard to obtain a lot of local press. I'll be sending something to the Madison Hybrid Group reminding them of the Milwaukee meetings as well. Have fun everyone and give plenty of feedback about the this summer's Midwest Hybridfest event. Brad and Justin are on the planning committee and are a great resource for information.
That's good to hear that there will be many people there. I was just thinking of our first few meetings, sometimes where it'd be only 5 or so people. Of course, we restrict to Prii owners or buyers, because it is the best hybrid out there (just joking with you, Eric, and others.) I may be there, or may not. I hope it goes well, and everyone enjoys!
Just a heads-up, our next gathering is next weekend: Saturday, MARCH 4th at the Oak Creek Public Library. 8620 South Howell Avenue Oak Creek, WI. 53154 414-764-4400 Mapquest Directions AGENDA 10:00 (15 min) gather, informal remarks and introductions 10:15 (15 min) opening comments 10:30 (45 min) cold weather effects and hybrid driving tips 11:15 (10 min) Hybridfest 2006 11:25 (10 min) future meetings and vision 11:35 (15 min) wrap-up 11:50 (open) pulse and glide instruction (Prius/Highlander) Please email us or respond here if you plan on attending and haven't done so yet. Also, encourage your friends and spouses to attend, hybrid owners or not.