I think this finance manager is pulling a fast one. If other members can ring in with similar experiences in cancelling. I think you can go back to the original $315, if not and the term is shorter, you should then be qualified for the promotional rates if your loan is....60 months instead of 75 months. This finance guy is quite tricky. I wouldn't sign the paperwork right away.....
I got the 1.9% rate for 75 months (same as the promo rate for 60 months) because I took these extended warranties. So I should be keeping this rate since its already structured. It will probably be 65ish months now as the 60 month at 1.9% was about $374/month
There are online calculators you can use to double check his numbers. Use the final price of the car, all taxes and fees. Put in the term length and the interest rate. It should give you your monthly payment. I would definitely double check the figure this guy gives you before signing.
update, the finance manager supposedly canceled the extras but still havent shown up toward my loan principal, contacted the dude repeatedly for the last week with only "checking with accounting". Its like pulling teeth. I did get a letter in the mail a few weeks back about the stop gap insurance being canceled but nothing about the other two and like I said no funds paying towards the loan, why is this taking so long