I finally sold my Prius a 2011 2, and I bought a new Avalon Hybrid, so I guess I'm not really part of the Priuschat family anymore. I enjoyed the site and really learned a lot, Thanks everybody. I do have a question, is there a similar site for other Toyota hybrids? If not, I would suggest Priuschat might want to set up a section, I know I'd be all over it.
There's a Toyota Hybrids section here on PriusChat. Perhaps you can lobby the moderators or forum administrators for a dedicated Avalon Hybrid forum section. SCH-I535
The Avalon Hybrid is my fall-back vehicle should anything happen to my Prius. We've kicked around the idea of multiple, vehicle-specific forums or even a separate sister site for all general hybrids. We'll see what 2014 brings. In the meantime, of course you're still welcomed here at Priuschat. I know there are more than a few of us who are interested in hearing about your Avalon.
Do not let the lack of a prius keep you away, it has never deterred the trolls, why should it deter the good guys?
Try this one: Toyota Nation Forum : Toyota Car and Truck Forums Toyota Nation Forum : Toyota Car and Truck Forums There is a Avolon forum but don't know if hybrid model is included. Good luck.
Any reason why you didn't choose the Camry Hybrid? Seems like a better compromise between MPG, comfort, and performance.
I drove both, for comfort, luxury and slightly better gas mileage, the only question was how to come up with the extra money? I finally figured that one out. On paper the two cars mentioned seem to be almost identical, the drive and the feel of the interior set them apart. (IMHO)
Congratulations on the Avalon, beautiful car. I can imagine it's tough making the move from the known (Prius) to unknown. Smart move staying with a Toyota hybrid product. Good luck and enjoy.
first there was only the prius and a community to been build up\ no there is a prius family and toyota hybrids all over the world also called different names. so i dont think no longer having a prius will mean you can not be on priuschat. priuschat today is a toyota hybrid chat with all other brands to even "clean" diesels ....
the hycam actually gets much better mpg in use, unfortunately, does not do well on epa test. my wife saw 50 mpg in summer and 42 now. congrats on your hyava! there are a few threads here on hyava and hycam, but most owners aren't interested in the nuances and chatting, so they die out quickly. please keep us informed of your experience and mpg's. all the best!
I believe Danny attempted to get a CamryChat going some years ago and it got rolled back into PriusChat.
yep, we had a couple of small issues on our gen I hycam. tried googling for owners experiences, it's like a desert out there. they 'just drive'em!'
I currently own a 2001 Avalon and had a 1998 Avalon in the past. Avalons are great cars so I imagine the hybrid will be good too. They are so comfortable (especially compared to my 2013 Persona) and smooth on the highway! I hope you really enjoy it and please post some more in the future. Good Luck. Happy New Year to everyone on Priuschat!
Uh..there's a whole Prius Chat Forum designation called "Other Cars" including "Toyota Hybrids". Hey, I hung around Prius Chat for years, while I owned a Honda Fit. There's a lot to discuss here, from specific Prius ownership issues...to Automotive Industry news, and a billion things in between. I'm not of the mind that specifically owning a Prius at any given moment is a necessity for meaningful participation. Dare I say that I feel that I learned enough about Prius, even while not owning a Prius that I often had the answer about a Prius related question that sometimes many owners did not even have. I'd say, enjoy the Avalon Hybrid, and past ownership of a Prius coupled with current and continuing ownership of the Avalon Hybrid will give you a unique and interesting perspective. Stick Around.