How can I find a local independent mechanic for hybrids near me? I tried googling it and couldn't find anything! Help please. Thanks in advance!
You appear to have failed to identify 'near me' so I am not sure anyone can help with specifics. Mechanics Files | Car Talk
Any mechanic can really work on these cars. The only thing different about them is the Hybrid system which you shouldn't have to worry about. Brakes are regular brakes, oil and filter, oxygen sensors. It's essentially a normal car.
Its really annoying none of the new posters bother to list where they live and then ask a location dependent question. Should be you can't proceed on the first time join/log in till that section is filled out.
Sadly, they fail to understand that they are asking a position dependent question until a half dozen of us mention that we can't solve the problem they are having until we know where they are. Then it looks like we are 'dog piling'.