So we've had a lot of snow here lately, and with that comes salt on the road. Despite having washed my car last week, I noticed that it's gotten quite a bit of gunk on it again, but it's much worse in the back of the car. Another car wash took care of that problem, figured I should do it today before the temps drop to well below freezing in the next few days. Is that just a problem the c has, or do the other prius models have that issue as well? I'm guessing the aerodynamic design is causing a lot of the dirt from the roads/following other cars to gather in the back? I've noticed dirt buildup in the back of the car from regular dust back when it was warmer, but it wasn't a big issue and the rain usually got rid of most of it. I guess I'd better invest in some paper towels to wipe the back more frequently in the meantime...
If by back, you just mean the actual rear of the vehicle (Hatch) then I'd say it's mostly just design. My standard Prius II get's pretty dirty, relatively quickly on the hatch. Before that I owned a Honda Fit, very similar body size and design to the Prius c and the hatch also got dirty very quickly. There's no horizontal trunk to "hide" dirt. Anything coming up from behind goes immediately on the verticle hatch, and a lot of that is window that you immediately see. From a functional standpoint I love a hatchback. So having to clean it a little more aggressively, is okay with me. Unfortunately I have no real trick to keeping it cleaner. You just have to expect it to get dirtier, faster. I tend to wash the rear hatch windows pretty aggressively, so at least looking out the back looks clean. But I try to live with some dirt build up over the hatch area. Where I live it rains a lot. If my standard was keeping it clean all the time? I'd be washing it every day...maybe every few hours. Just the price of having the I think valuable utility of a nice hatchback.
It's normal. Take it to a touch less car wash once a month to rinse the grime off. She turns into such a dirty girl in the salt and mud.
My previous car was also a hatchback. A Nissan however it did not get quite as dirty in the back however the Nissan did have mud guards. My C does not have mud guards.
I think it is a fairly normal hatch thing - part of the reason why hatches typically have rear wipers and sedans typically do not. I get a bit of dirt there after my car's been rained on but nothing I find unusual. When I've driven on dusty roads there was a bit there too, sure. My c doesn't see snow nor salted roads so I can't help you there.
Haha, good to hear that it's fairly normal for hatchbacks and not just nature picking on me specifically, this time anyway. Guess I'll just take it to the car wash about once a week during winter until the roads are salt-free again.
I knew my V would need constant cleaning in the winter. It's white, And a hatchback. Didn't disappoint I try to clean it off at least once a week, regardless of weather. It hurts knowing it will be black again soon, but whatcha gonna do? We have a great handheld wash nearby, I generally spend only 4 bucks on a decent hose off.
I dont have a C yet, but I/ My wife has a 2012 Hyundai Accent SE that is almost identical in shape and size of the C and her hatch is always dirty, wash it, go down a dusty road and wash the hatch again. I just wait for the rain most of the time at this time of year.
For some reason, All Prii seem to attract a lot of dirt on the back, especially the top of the back bumper. My black car literally shows dust/dirt there within a day. But don't use paper towels, that will scratch your clear coat. For minor wiping off of dust between washes, use some instant detailer spray and a microfiber towel.
I got the aftermarket spoiler that is vented and it has dramatically cleared up the dust buildup issue on the back wind shield. And the new spoiler looks much better SCH-I535 ?
Very simple. A think i only needed a philips screwdriver and maybe a socket wrench. I can lookup the link later if you are interested. Garm handled the sale... he's also a member on ths forum. SCH-I535 ?
Ps you can see the spoiler in my avatar photo and there is also a thread in the modification and accessories forum. SCH-I535 ?
My spoiler helped with the dirt, but when it rains I get more water on the glass. Better trade off for me, I have a rear wiper.
Because of the sudden dropoff in the back, air makes vortices behind the car, which fling around dirt/salt/assorted road crap. This seems to be a problem in all hatchbacks. My SO also has a bright green 2012 Hyundai Accent hatchback and it gets pretty gross.
I saw someone drive around in a dark grey prius c... poor car was covered in dust/sand Even after a car wash, mine collected whatever was in the air not just by the trunk but on all the doors. Like, after a day, the doors feel grainy... oh well, I just deal with it until winter is over.