If I was you, I would definitely let it warm up before I drove off in it. 20 below is major COLD! Be safe out there.
I let it warm up long enough that the battery is not being depleted. In Georgia, that's under a minute. For you, it may be two or three. Of course, this gives heat sooner too. The first minute or two sees the engine devoting all of its energy to warming itself up. Practically nothing available for either traction power or cabin heat.
So I have this question for you guys. Woke up this morning and started the car up and it showed battery full.......green stripes in the battery box on the display. Before it used to run for a while before showing 90% green stripes on the battery but today it showed all the green stripes 100% full and barely started the motor. As I drove it the battery charges up a lot faster now and keeps showing its full 100% green stripes. It looks like it started to switch on the electric only mode at lower speeds a lot more now. Bought it two weeks ago....dealer said that the car sat for a wile not being ran. Since I bought it I drive it every day. Before it took a wile for the engine to run to have the battery 90% green stripe full. Is this normal? Does anyone that drove the car in winter weather had this happen?
Green in the winter will happen. The engine runs more and the system is less concerned about being able to cool itself. So, you'll see more battery activity.
I agree with John above. What you stated sounds normal to me too. I don't think you have any problems. Enjoy your new to you Prius. And best of luck to you.
I had the very same question that the kind folks here on PC answered for me. When I bought my '08 a few weeks ago, on the way home from the dealership (60 miles and quite cold) the battery was green the whole trip. After getting back to "normal" driving it acted just like my old Prius. Since it's a scorcher today in Minnesota (29F) , I believe it will act normally as I'm using no cabin heat for my short commute.
i think in cold wheater the prius charges the battery more so it will become warmer sooner otherwise its bad for the battery to provide amps to the HSD system. this is one of those cases where the prius does charge the battery up full green 100% ( 80% for real )
I'm so pleased I'm not on my own, I actually look forward to filling it up so I can calculate my MPG against MFD figures and also look forward to driving it. A fantastic and truly intriguing vehicle
Allow 15 seconds for the oil pump to "push" the oil into the pistons & wash away the combustion byproducts from the last run. And then drive off.