I have searched and cannot find any link to a description of getting in to Maintenance Mode for the Gen III vehicles, only for Gen II. If I have missed a link, I apologize and would appreciate someone pointing me to this link. Question - Is the sequence of steps for getting in the Maintenance Mode the same for the Gen III as for the Gen II?
What do you mean by Maintenance Mode? Are you referring to the menu to input maintenance information (oil change, tire rotation, etc.) or to the finger dance to get to the hidden service menu?
Push SETUP and then DISP and you will see horizontal lines. On the left side of the screen press top line, bottom line, top line, bottom line for a few times (I forget whether its 3 or 4 cycles) until the screen changes. (It might take a few tries to get the dance right, but it does work.) Then select the settings menu..... When you are done, press and hold DISP.
OK, I just tested it to make sure I was right. Actually press below the top line and above the bottom line for 3 cycles. But I did not see the Traction Battery voltage in there...
I don't believe Traction battery voltage was *ever* part of that screen - the screen only displayed information fed into the NAV/Audio system via direct input or AVC LAN.
Thanks for the sequence to get to the hidden service menu. As for the battery voltage, I was reading another thread where someone was explaining how to read and test the battery voltage. Could this have been the 12V battery ?
No, the person gave instructions of how to get the Gen II in what he called Maintenance Mode and then how to get to the battery voltage page, etc. He went through a similar sequence that you described for getting in to this mode. This is what got me thinking of how to get in this mode in a Gen III.
I tried this several times with no luck. I saw on another post where they instructed to press the Info button and turn the headlights on and off three times. I tried this one and it changed to the Service Menu screen. One of the menu items was Vehicle Signals. One of the signals listed here was battery voltage which was the 12V battery signal. Is this the same Service Menu you were able to get with the Settings and Display buttons and the two horizontal lines?
RodJo, Can I get you to step through the sequence of the Setup and Display buttons and the two horizontal lines, one more time? Just for the heck of it I would like to figure out why I cannot get this dance right on my car but you can on yours.
Better yet, I looked through my old posts and found the YouTube video (authored by HTMLSpinnr no less) where I learned it. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gwQpvpYVYg&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - 2010 Toyota Prius Bluetooth microphone volume adjustment[/ame] It can be a little tricky but I think you may have to wait for the Navi to fully boot up and connect to any bluetooth devices etc. before it recognizes the dance. Good luck.
RodJo, That is the same Service Menu screen that I was able to get to with the Info button and the headlights. There is a lot of useful information on this menu screen. I even noticed where you can adjust the Handsfree microphone volume, press a Record button, speak in to the microphone and then play your voice back to hear the volume level !! Thanks so much for your assistance, Dwight
RodJo, After watching the video I was able to get the Service Menu on first try. My problem was that I was trying not to hit the buttons on the screen on the left side. I was trying to go between the buttons and the side, thinking that the buttons would interfere. A picture is worth a thousand words is true once again. Thanks, Dwight
gen # 3 maintaince mode... press 2 times start buttuon press 2 times gas padel hold brake padel put P to N press 2 times gas padel hold brake padel put N to P press 2 times gas padel again put foot brake padel and start engine............ engine become inspecion mode/maintainence mode........