I don't mean to start a debate (because it already has happened in other threads) over the use of convex mirrors. Either you like them, and find them of value, or not..... I personally like them. But I have had a DEVIL of a time finding a convex mirror I like with the Prius. I don't know if it is the shape of the Prius mirror or what, but finding one that looks decent has been a pain. Thank god, they are not that expensive because I've bought about 10 in the past 4 weeks. I can't find one that is a good size, looks okay on the mirror, and is of good quality. I found a really GOOD looking one, made of real glass, but unfortunately it was not a real convex mirror. It was a small flat mirror that you could adjust and angle in. Even though it looked the best, and stayed the clearest during rain, I did not like it because the whole idea of a Convex mirror, is that it shows about everything in your blind spot. The small flat adjustable mirror had to be angled just right and if it got out of adjustment it was just like your regular mirror. So that did not last. Then every other convex mirror has been either too large, too small or actually just too cheap. Some of the cheapest are just a reflective sticker, and those get really hard to see if it rains, seems like the droplets like to stay on the surface. Every store I find myself in, I check the automotive department and "try" another. I've pulled so much 3M tape off my drivers side mirror, I'm surprised I haven't broke it. Anyone have any suggestions as to a good sized one.....not SUV big...but not too small, that is actually built nicely...not just a sticker on a bubble? I've used one for decades, but for some reason finding one I like with The Prius mirrors has been difficult.
Add me to the list of being a non-fan of the Prius side mirrors. In addition to them having an odd tapered shape, they also appear, to me anyway, to "droop" downward from the vehicle. I have adjusted the mirrors outward to eliminate the large blindspots. The only reason I have stick on convex mirrors on them is to view the markings on parking stalls, which can't be seen with the mirrors adjusted as mentioned above, without moving the mirrors down every time I reverse into a stall (almost always).
Adjust your driver side mirror outward with your head against the pillar until you can no longer see the side of the car. Do likewise with passenger side mirror while in normal position. No convex mirrors needed.
10 years ago I bought a 2 mirror set from Brookstone. They were made in Germany and were finely polished glass. Most excellent. However, Brookstone no longer carries them and I cannot find them anywhere. So yeah, I am constantly looking for these exact convex mirrors somewhere. I understand that Brookstone doesn't make anything but merely buys products puts their name on it. I would really like to find these....
Like I said, because this "debate" has happened before. Don't really want to visit Convex Mirrors...Yay or Nay. But I do BOTH.... I do adjust my mirrors outward exactly as you describe. I use the 3 mirror system. Although in many ways it does make the convex mirror redundant...I still feel more comfortable with the convex mirror. First of all, they help a lot if you are simply trying to parallel park and want to judge how close your tires are to curb. The rest of the time I find the convex mirrors to be a nice safety net. Often times decisions with driving happen in a split second...and having that convex mirror is just one more reason I WON'T be gliding over into somebody else. And even the most perfectly adjusted mirror can get out of adjustment, by getting bumped in the parking lot, or going through a car wash. So anyway...I like using a convex mirror. This even with my mirrors properly adjusted for the 3 mirror system. LOL! Well since they usually are sold in packs of two, I have a nice collection of unacceptable ones built up. Actually I may of found a passable one just yesterday. Got it at a place as exotic as "Auto Zone" but it is an oblong sized one, that actually does a real good job. But keeping my eye out for something better has become a constant hobby.
Are you looking for a partial stick-on mirror or full? I am still looking for the full left-side OEM Euro double convex aspheric, heated mirror. It is much more expensive (likely around $140). I am down to talking a friend's German wife into having a relative pick up one at a dealer and having her ship it to me. Aspherical Convex Side View Mirrors (Both Sides) US Car Install | PriusChat Is it possible to post a link to the one you got from the Auto Zone website?
I'm just looking for one of those common stick on mirrors. I've had one on all my vehicles for a long time. Like I said, I can find plenty of them, but none that I think are a good size, good quality and look decent. I've never considered replacing the entire mirror with the OEM Euro. I went to the Auto Zone website and to be honest, now I'm not sure the one I am currently using was purchased at Auto Zone. What I've been doing is checking out what is available whenever I find myself in or near a store that sells auto parts. Usually they are so cheap if one looks "possible" I'll just buy it throw it in the corner and try it out on the weekend. So I grabbed this one and tried it this weekend. It's not great, but it's okay. So far the best compromise I can find. But I couldn't find one that looked exactly like it at the Auto Zone website, so now I'm not sure exactly what store I did get it from...LOL! I've bought so many the past month, I've lost track of all the stores I've tried. Anyway, it's just an oblong "squarish" shaped one. It's a pretty good size. From a utility standpoint it works good. It's plastic and pretty thick. I think I'm happy for now, but will casually keep my eye's open.
Have you seen these long thin types with angled ends? They look like they could be placed on the bottom edge of the Prius' odd shaped mirror. Here is a link. It's not the lowest priced one on eBay, but it had the best description and pictures of the product.
No I haven't seen those. But they look interesting. I might have to try one of those. If I buy one, I'll let you know whether I like it or not.
Yes, please let me know if you get them. I have my side mirrors adjusted outward to cover the blindspots, so I use the convex mirrors mainly while parking (reversing) to see the car's position relative to the stall markings. However, with a small round convex mirror, it is very difficult to judge the actual distance the vehicle is from the lines, and the lines are so distorted they aren't straight lol. These look like there might not be so much distortion of the image on the horizontal plane. I'm hoping it will make distances, side to side, easier to discern, especially while parking. Edit: Just ordered a set. I will let you know how I like them when they come in.
Hi xliderider, Did you install the blindspot mirrors and how did they do in your tests? Thanks, Allan
Unfortunately, I never installed them on the Prius. The Prius is my wife's daily driver and she is happy with the small, round, convex blindspot mirrors that are already on the mirrors. I do have one of the mirrors on the passenger side of my Camry. They work well for my intended use, as aides to see a less distorted view of the stall markings when reversing into parking stalls. As such, I have them angled downward, so they don't have much use as blindspot mirrors. However, I have my side mirrors adjusted outward to cover the blindspots anyway.