Hello, I'm investigating the possibilities of the above on my (uk) Pip. I have a nexus 4 which I'm planning to use with torque but it seems androids have some issues with 2 Bluetooth devices connected at the same time (Pip and the obd2). Since it seems there are lots of cheap devices available I was wondering if anybody here had any suggestions about a wifi device connected with Android, pros and cons, models, any info really. Also... I haven't checked where the actual port is on the Pip but I'm slightly worried it can be in the way of my legs. Any thought? Thanks a lot! Nexus 4
What Android issues have you heard of? I've never had a lick of trouble using mine. I highly suspect it is the Bluetooth ODB-II reader that has actually been the source of trouble, especially since there are quite a number of reports for the Torque app saying to be aware of that device. Some are clearly better than others.
Just to throw in an answer to your question about the OBDII Elm327 WiFi device. I have one that I use with my iPad and Engine Link. The OBDII port is well out of the way of my legs and never a problem. The OBDII port is about 1/2 way down the steering column and a little to the left.
Any recommendations for a particular elm module? They seem to be all over the place in regards to reviews and quality. I would like to use/install the torque app and run via bluetooth or wifi.
I would recommend the OBDLink (ScanTool.net LLC - Scan Tools, PC, iPhone, & Android based OBD-II (OBD2) Interfaces, OBD diagnostic software ) device or AH Design's (AH Design | Electrical Engineering, Weird Projects, and Junk) semi proffessional one.
Nice find on the LX ($69) version. I have been leery about the generic quality, but the MX version ($99) was a bit steep. It looks like we won't miss any features as the MX only adds compatibility for some GM and Ford cars. Is that correct?
For some retarded reason I can't post links. *facepalm* Go to the scantool OBDLink MX web page and scroll down about 1/2 way and there's a chart that compares the features of the LX and MX.