Well, I've scheduled my first 5K service for this Saturday. My work schedule is pretty demanding, so Saturday appointments are my only option. I figured since they were open for service on Saturdays and the dealership is near my house, that it would work out just fine. Yesterday, I noticed that the fabric on the center console lid had started to come off. It appears to be "glued" down around the edge, and yesterday was exceptionally hot. The whole front area peeled back from where the release button is. So I called the dealer, told them about it, explained that I have both the extended warranty and the extra fabric protection plan, and could they arrange to have a replacement for me on Saturday so I only have to go there once. The answer was no. They said they would have to have the "authorized manager" at that dealership personally inspect the damaged part and authorize the service department to order it under warranty. Naturally, I was frustrated. So then I said that I'd have them inspect it on Saturday when I'll be bringing it in for service and then schedule yet another appointment to have the part replaced. I was told that the "authorized manager" doesn't work Saturdays. I have to take time off from work (40 miles away) and go during business hours during the week at the manager's convenience to have the part inspected. I was floored (and furious). I asked if I could go to another Toyota dealership that was about 15 minutes away and have their "authorized manager" inspect the part, confirm that it's indeed failed, and then call my dealership with the info so the part can be ordered and available for my Saturday appointment. The answer was, again, no. Each dealership is independently owned and operated and they won't talk to each other. If I have it inspected somewhere else, then I have to have the work done there. Long story longer, I called the Toyota Corporate Customer Experience Center (whose phone number isn't published anywhere on their website!), and they confirmed that this is their standard policy. So, for as long as I own this car, every time something needs to be fixed under warranty, I need to make an appointment with the one individual who can authorized repairs in advance, and then come back a second time to have the work actually performed. I'm not impressed......
Your Toyota warranty is valid at any dealership in the country, as far as I know. Why not just go to the dealership that's closest to you and say F You to the far away dealer?
Choosing a Different Dealer Ultimately, I may end up having to do that. The "local" dealer is still 15 minutes away, so I hate having to wait around for a shuttle and show up late to work, and then having to make arrangements to get back there before closing on a work day. There's a higher hassle factor, especially when all they're really going to do for the first service, for example, is a quick oil change. Toyota doesn't give out loaner cars unless they have to keep your car overnight. And remember, the "authorized manager" STILL needs to personally inspect the car and then schedule a second appointment, so the hassle factor goes up by a factor of 2 regardless of which dealer I choose. I've owned plenty of new cars before and I've just never seen ANY other manufacturer require 2 visits for one repair.
Another option is to ask to speak with the service manager. More often than not they are willing to either let rules slide or make arrangements around your schedule in order to obtain business. Tell them that you are trying to decide between taking your business to their dealership or their neighboring competition. Hopefully that will open their eyes.
One of the reasons I was reluctant to switch from Honda to Toyota was that when I was shopping for my previous car (15+ years ago) the attitude of the Toyota dealer was, "We sell every car we can get; we don't need you. When we sell you a car we're doing you a favor!" The Honda dealer was open, honest, and friendly, and during those 15 years, Honda service was fantastic. I switched to Toyota only because the Prius is what the Prius is. I'm hoping for the best when it comes to service. But service seems to be Toyota's weak point. Mboileau, I'd try phoning that service manager. I'd explain to him your work schedule and ask if he'd make an appointment to inspect your problem on a Saturday. If he says no, I'd look for another dealer that will. There ought to be plenty to choose from in the Bay area.
Sounds good to me - why don't we start compiling them and the put up a KB article under the FAQ subsection.
I've seen the "Toyota Customer Experience" number (800.331.4331) listed in the correspondence I've received from them, while waiting :roll: for my Black #9. I've never seen a reference to extension 33 however. What is the significance of the extension? Does it ring to someone particularly high up on the Toyota corporate ladder? Is it just for dealer rants? Just curious. Glenn
Customer Experience Center - Extension 33 It seems that extension 33 routes your call to the department that handles dealer complaints. The main number is used for a variety of other customer concerns including product complaints, feedback, and more general information that may not be available at the dealerships.
from what i've experienced, it's not actually an extension. it's the navigation for the voice menu... "press 3 for ..." then you get another menu and it is "press 3 for...". I haven't tried pressing 33 to see if that takes you right there... not that it really matters, unless they change their menus...
Questionable Warranty Procedure - Fabric Pulling Away I had the same problem with the fabric at the front of the center console cover. I took it to the dealer I bought it from in Miami, FL. They immediately ordered a replacement part and I had it installed last week. No questions asked.
I, too have the fabric pulling up on the front of the center console. I took my car in for 10,000 mile service and showed it to the service writer. He ordered a new part and will call me when it comes in. In the meantime, my car looks tacky! Barbara P.S. Time for a center console recall?????
After having the center console cover replaced once and my concern about keeping the fabric on the seats clean, I ordered seat covers which include a center console cover from gt.covers.com. The covers are made specifically for the 2004 Prius and fit like a glove. They look good too!