SO I got this cheapie OBD@ adapter and it came with a mini CD disc but no instructions of what to do. No files say start her. do this etc. Anyone know the process that is willing to share? I just downloaded Torque Pro to an Android. So what do I need to do to get the phone and the adapter to play together? Thanks
You should be able to just plug it in to the OBDII connector in the car and pair it up with your phone's bluetooth. There may be a button to power it up once plugged in or the car may power it on. The difficulty, if there is one, will be pairing it up with the phone, especially if you don't have the PIN for it. Sometimes 0000 will work or 1111.
Well, I plugged it the adapter with PIP completely off. Green light flash, orange light flash, then red light comes on and stays on (grn & org off). going to Android, in setings>BT> find BT devices... No BT devices found (multiple tries*). Adapter had the same light sequence when I plugged it in with car in "ON/ Acc. and in "Ready". In Torque > Adapter Status Info: No connection to adapter (or ECU obviously). * tried BT search from phone many times in 'On/ Acc' and 'Ready' and 'Off'. Adapter has no 'switch' Any ideas to try? In the Torque App set up I used: It only had Prius Gen III (not PIP) so I selected that. Used curb weight found on line for a 2012 PIP 3100lbs. Changed to U.S. measurements. Boost (left at 0). Max Dial RPM (left at 7000). Volumetric efficiency (left at 85). Using Android LG G Pro E980 OS 4.1.2 (high as it will go )
Return it - if you read the customer reviews, they will tell you it's a fake (and the disk has a virus) GT-I9300 ?
I read the mixed reviews. For some it worked, for some not. I was willing to roll the dice. I may have simply gotten a bad one, I just wanted ask others if I was doing something wrong or might have a setting incorrectly set. As I mentioned, the phone does not even 'see the device' (to try to pair with the generic pass codes).
Yes,I tried turning the car on and then plugging in the device. Also with car on and "ready" I plugged in the device. After each time I plugged in the adapter I Hit 'search for BT devives' on the Android phone settings>BT> search. All above tried with both "Allow other Bluetooth devices to find my phone" box checked and unchecked.
Your green, orange, red light sequence staying red is a strong indication (think traffic lights) that your adapter isn't going to work - these are plug n' play devices which don't need any startup procedure. My vgate (with switch) adapter started immediately first time and has worked perfectly ever since - I recommended them though you will pay more. The switch models can stay in the car without running down the battery. You should plug your device into another late-model vehicle (2006 onwards) to see if it will work in anything else.
SOLUTION FOUND ! As a last chance try, while I was driving I had my wife try to search for BT. She thought to hit the phone menu button then saw a button that said 'device options', she pressed that and noticed that "only look for input devices keyboard mouse etc" was selected. She selected 'check all' and boom, there was the OBD adapter. Sweet! Now she gets to drive, & I get to play.
Cool, now I am off to try to follow the directions to turn off the reverse beeping. Is there a way to also turn off the passenger seat belt warning beeping also? From time to time the passenger takes off their belt for a short time and the noise is nerve racking. Ah, I see the 'Config files' can be used to turn off seat belt beeps as well as Reverse beeps.! Sweet Prius PHV: Custom PIDs for Torque Android App | PriusChat