A few times I posted that I've had the keyboard in one hand and a martini in the other. I'll admit that those weren't jokes or euphemisms; I do enjoy a good martini from time to time. I like the glass, the mixing, and pouring them. In fact, I enjoy pretty much everything about the martini. Except that I cannot stand gin; I'm a vodka martini drinker. So with the "classy" group we have here, I figured I put the question out. What do you drink? I have a pretty sweet tooth as you can tell from two of my favorite martinis I mix for myself on a semi-regular basis: 3 parts staright vodka 1 part Triple Sec Maraschino cherry juice Garnish with 2 Maraschino cherries 3 parts straight vodka 1 part Creme de Cacoa (like drinking chocolate) For my wife: 2.5 oz. Gin 1 oz. Extra Dry Vermouth Olive juice Garnish with two Olives; blue cheese pits
1)Single Malt Scotch, neat--brand varies by mood and taste. 2)Alternatively Gin Martini---Tanguray Malacan gin, dry vermouth poured over ice then drained off, gin added--stirred NOT shaken, up with 2 anchove stuffed olives....oh baby!
Belgian Lambics in particular Lindemans (Framboise is my favorite). I also like South African Amarula and really good tokkyu Japanese sake.
i'm all about the long island iced tea. 1 part gin 1 part vodka 1 part tequila 1 part rum 1 part triple sec 3 parts sweet lemon juice top off with coke many a night i don't remember started off with the almighty two-dollar-long-island... here they're $6 :angry: but i pay for em anyway.
1. Earl Grey. Hot 2. Spearmint/Peppermint. Hot 3. OJ. Leave the pulp. Cold 4. Limeade. Extra Cold 5. Local Well water. With Ice I *try* to drink a glass of etoh daily to improve my HDL, but I am very non-compliant. My wife tries to disguise the Etoh in OJ for me, but why make perfectly good OJ taste lousy ?
When I was at Indiana University, I frequented a place called Bear's Place. They had a drink called the Hairy Bear. The menu said, "Four liquors and orange juice. Makes you want to climb tall buildings." The ingredients for a 24oz drink are: Start with lots of ice 2 shots vodka 2 shots dark run 2 shots gin 2 shots tequilla Orange Juice to almost full Grenadine to color I have karaoked only once in my life. Oddly that was the same night I drank two Hairy Bears.
And, too bad it was not a karaoke bar :lol: My favorite mixed drink was described to me by a colleague 26 years ago: The Perfect Martini 1 part quality gin 1 part clean glass
Only Wodka. That would be a traditional Polish drink.... according to my grandmother everyone else stole it from the Poles. Daxx those Russians. Look out for the Germans and the Russians!! OK that is what I learned as a very very young person! Everything else was invented by the Poles and the other Europeans stole it from them!
I don't have a freezer big enough. 'hic' :wacko: I just carry around my bottles in holsters ala "tiajuana tequila bandit" style. Actually, after the kids arrived the opportunities to relax with a nice drink have been few to none. But back in the day, (3 years seems like an eternity ago) my favorite martini was a 3-1 ratio standard with Three Olives Vodka and any good dry vermouth. Smirnoff, which I considered an average brand, tasted horrible after having the Three Olives. It's expensive, though. You know what they say about getting what you pay for. Cheers all.
I'm German in the the mixed majority, though DNA testing not conducted. I do in fact put the vodka and gin in the freezer. I borrowed the idea in college from a fellow named Hoovestal, not Polish though. We both descend from North Dakotan families, of German / Norwegian ancestry. I am sure our forefathers stole the idea from your Grandmother's family though. In any case Prost! and Skoal!
coffee, french press style with a dash of white chocolate... and water... that is about as hard as it gets for me
The German in me dictates beer! Sam Adams for general consumption. Summit (St Paul, MN) has an exelent maibock Greys Oatmeal Stout (Janesville, WI) really good mellow stout Schells (New Ulm, MN) lots of good brews Moose Drool (Missoula, MT) very good microbrew Table Rock Brewery (Boise, ID) exellent brewpub San Migual Pale Pilsn (Manila, Philippines) great hot weather beer San Migual Cervasa Negra - great black beer Murphy's Stout (County Cork, Ireland) beats the pants off Guness But don't bother with light beer, it's like having sex in a canoe (F***ing near water) :lol:
My drink is the same as my grandmother's drink. I don't know if that says something about me or something about her. Vodka Tonic.