I have an extra pair of Scion TC speakers I'm thinking of installing in the Prius front doors. My goal is to improve sound quality. I traded in my TC and was pleased with the sound of the Pioneer system in it. I know the stock Prius won't match the power output of the TC, but I'm wondering if the speaker install will help. The TC speaker is a component type with a poly cone. It gave very clean bass in the TC...much cleaner than what I hear in the Prius. I don't want to put in an amp unless I have to. I guess my question is... how will a speaker designed for more power work in a car with less power?
You can have a low power head unit and any "better" speaker will sound better. It doesn't matter if the head unit can give it it's peak power rating or not. The main draw back to the prius speakesr is the tiny magnets in the speakers.. if the TC has better speakers, swap them.. it should be worth your time. You could always pull off the door and plug them in out of place.. just to see if you can hear a difference. or you can give them to me
The project is on hold 1 The stock system is sounding better (being half deaf from all that loud rock and roll has its advantages) 2 I'm afraid I'll get the stock speakers out and then have problems getting the TC speakers in. This is very hard to explain to the wife who isn't too crazy about me taking things apart. 3 Its cold outside.