I do like handcuffs a lot, I have a few at home. Could I see yours Schmika? Because I have this affinity for certain type and I would like to see them before I committ to be handcuffed. Here is my collection [Broken External Image]:http://members.cox.net/aye-aye/wall.jpg
I read that, and I could imagine a woman calling out the persons name as she is spanked. So I went to see who posted it... yes, it's "bigdaddy", which would seem to fit. "Oh, bigdaddy..." Well, you get the point.
I think they're rather (ahem) eye-catching myself, at least as a photoshopped-up proof of concept... If girls are planning on wearing them, I have no complaints... (I might get somewhat less work done though) Dave
I have to admit that when I saw those images my first thought was "oh yeah, you just WISH your butt looked that good." :lol:
it would be really gross if a guy was wearing it... can you picture a hairy butt? But I can think of some women who shouldn't wear them either.....
Ohh WOW, am I the only one who collects handcuffs here??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Windstrings, you ask too many questions, I am sorry but this might deprive some people, so I am willingly withholding this information :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
WOW, thanks storm petrol, interesting observation, I just realized that I am missing a chain and a ball