After opening up and folding the seats and disengaging the material, I did see one yellow clip holding the rear seat down, I presume there is at least one more. Without destroying anything, how do you remove the rear seat?
. Thaks very much LenP, always good to get a straight answer to a straight question. Merry Christmas.
. You really are Remarkabele. Some people are naturally curious. I have always investigated all of my vehicles, curiosity plus insurance. I do not wish to be out on a lonely road, somewhere and have to depend on a stranger to come out and assist me, maybe, the next morning. Are you a DIY OR DOSE. Andy. Merry Christmas. DOSE: Depend on SomebodyElse !
Thanks for the video, I just intend to do that since my younger daughter lost her Iphone and I want to check every possibility
I'm both. I'm a DIY when it costs a lot to have it done by someone else or when it's something that I know how to do very well by myself. I'm a DOSE when it's cheap and/or someone else is much much better at it than I am. It's actually the same philosophy the Warren Buffett and many other rich/successful people have. I rather emulate them than Bob the fix it guy down the street. Removing the seat to me (can't speak for you) would be a huge time waste with very little to gain. But again, that's just me.
. TY I do have a end purpose but not for my fellow PCers. A few here would rather mock than consider anything serious, so I will not be as open any more.. They laughed at Mikimoto, Tesla and Semmelweis.
The video is no longer available. I have the upper half of my rear seats removed, but I am unsure how to remove the bottom of my rear seats. I would appreciate some advice. I am removing them to route wires for my stereo and perhaps install my amp there.
Well, I found my answer with google. The seat is now out. Strange that the priuschat search couldn't find it. 2012 Prius REAR SEAT REMOVAL and REINSTALL | PriusChat