Howdy all, long time reader / first time poster. Finally took the plunge when the '98 Infiniti just got too old for me (super reliable car, btw). Bought a 2010 Prius with ~26k miles. I've driven about 100 miles so far, averaging 53.8 mpg (even mix of freeway/surface street driving) in ~65 degree Phoenix winter weather. Couldn't be happier. Question: I love the interior color scheme, but has anyone seen this kind of two-tone tan scheme? I love it, but I've never seen it before:
I've suspected as much all along (I suspect the funky combo helped me get the price below what it otherwise should've been for only 26k miles), but I really don't mind the coloring. Exterior is dark blue, so for some reason all together it works for me. Oh well.
Congratulations on your new car! It looks nice to me. Perfectly acceptable seat color, won't get hot like a dark seat would. The seats are in really good shape, it appears. Yeah, an unusual choice, but it's a nice color that would work with blue. I sure as heck wouldn't take them off.
I can't tell with the lighting... Are the door inserts also covered in the same color? Not my style but I do agree it would look good with the blue exterior.
art-vandely, Looks super cool to me, might want to consider getting a steering wheel cover where you grip your hands on the sides of the wheel to match.
Yes, the door inserts and center console cover are all the same color as the seats. Exterior color is same as your picture, so it looks OK.
There are so many different aftermarket parts for the Prius that it is overwhelming. Nice to own a vehicle where a guy can find neat parts everywhere verses owning something that you have to homebrew everything for. Mike
Best mileage on a single one-way commute ever. 87.7 MPG. 63 degrees outside, all surface streets (speed limits 35-40 mph). Some of the streets were pretty barren of traffic, so I admit to a little bit of hypermiling. I know typically people brag about MPG over much longer distances, but still, I'm damn happy with this. I'm averaging 57 MPG indicated (so probably ~54 MPG true) with only about 35 PSI in the tires. Good times.