We are negotiating for a new 2013 and are asking for the dealer to turn off certain beeps without charging us. They say we might regret it - uh huh... Question: Does it make sense to remove the backup beep? Program for only one seatbelt beep? Kill the trunk is open beep? (carting home big things that have to stick out from Home Depot for example...) THANKS all
I would stick to just the reverse and seat belt beeps. The rear hatch warning is a safety feature that I'd want. But that might be my preference. How often do you carry large/long stuff that would necessitate leaving the hatch open? SCH-I535
Read through the list published in the Owners manual. What annoys me may not annoy you. If they know your preferences before delivery then it should be done when they prep the car. For me the backup & seat belt beeps were the big ones. They changed something else too but I don't remember. Anyway check everything out before accepting delivery so you can save a trip.
We're going there tonight - just got done detailing our '08 and it's dark now so hopefully no birds will anoint the black paint before we get it down to the dealer for a quote on trade-in. Good feedback re: beeps - you know, we don't haul things that are big that often but when we need to (house restoration circa 1908 means occasionally an antique door or whatever... and can you imagine driving with that continual beeping the whole way?) it would be nice to not have the beeping. Here's hoping... THANKS ALL!
Just got a new battery. All the beeps came back. AARRGGHHH Kill them all. They are there to help Toyotas lawyers, not you.
How did you kill the beeps yourself? I tried the fix shown on youtube but it worked for '12 models, did not work for '13. I'd love to not have to go back to the dealer for this... any fixes out there?
A Scangauge or an OBDII reader with the Torque app for Android are the only options unless you know someone with Techstream, the software Toyota uses to do the deed.
AH... German cars. Yes indeed, I hear you. Or rather, I don't hear anything I don't want to with our other car...
Kill beeps w this beeper (it should be outside, not inside): Disabling Reverse Beep 1. Press and hold the brake pedal. 2. Power on the car, Cycle ODO/TRIP, stopping on ODO, Power off the car. 3. Power on, within 6 seconds, hold ODO for at least 10 seconds. 4. While still holding ODO shift into Reverse and back into Park. 5. b-on shows on odometer display, press ODO to cycle to "b-off". Done. (This also works for the seatbelt beep, replace shifting with buckling/un-buckling)
I would leave everything as-is. The back up beep: more than once I've lost track that I'm still in reverse. It's the $#&!! shifter, mute, gives no clues as to what gear you're in. The beep is a bandaid fix, that works, sometimes. The seat belt beep: I've got no patience with people that want to disable this. If you were the only car on the road, and never transporting passengers I'd say go for it, but if you ever have others in the car, or share the road with others, then it's criminally irresponsible. Sorry for the Dutch uncle tone, but that's my feelings: better safe than sorry. The hatch open beep: look at the locking tang on the hatch, and get a chain link or carabiner of roughly the same dimensions. When carrying an oversize load requiring hatch open: push the carabiner into the latch in hatch threshold, to mimic the hatch tang. This will make the car think the hatch is closed, silencing the beep, and you can attach cord to the carabiner and hatch tank, to hold down the hatch. Put something, foam tubing or towel, on the lower edge of hatch, to protect it's paint.