I've been a big critic of most of Toyota's Prius and especially Prius c television advertising. But mercifully, like it or hate it, you don't see it very long. Toyota's advertising seems so uninspired, so boring. It's almost as if with Toyota's success they don't feel they need to be creative with their advertising. As if their reputation and the quality of their products will be enough.- Hey, maybe they are right. Maybe when you are on top, you don't have to push the advertising as much? I would think this is a flawed approach, I would think this is NOT what Toyota thinks, but how else do you explain the flat, cliche, boredom producing advertising Toyota now seems to embrace? At least where I live, my "region"...The Pacific Northwest, the Toyota ads are limited almost as far as I can tell exclusively to the "Jan" the librarianish Toyota greeter at a dealership ads. All these ads are IMO boringly the same, with Cartoonish characters coming into the dealership and talking to "Jan" about their next Toyota purchase. They are friendly, non-threatening, but incredibly milk-toast. You certainly couldn't call them ground breaking or even terribly creative. They don't particularly get me excited about any Toyota product or Toyota, they do get me thinking how long it's been since I've been in a library. Recently, I thought the Toyota Rav4 Wish Genie commercials at least entertained. If I have to spend time with someone, excuse me if I'll take Kaley Cuoco over "Jan". I still think Toyota is the best mainstream automobile producer on the planet. But it's only because of their history of creative, intelligent advertising that I'm so disappointed in the Toyota advertising today. The possibilities for creativity I think are so immense. But what Toyota seems to like to do, is either show me some nightmare producing Giant Man made of people, or Cartoonish idiots telling me about a Prius c....or now bore me to death with Jan greeting stereotypes of customers as they enter a Toyota dealership. In most portrayals of what a Toyota customer is suppose to be? I certainly hope Toyota doesn't picture "us" the way they usually portray us in their commercials. For some reason, evidently based on Toyota's advertising, you'd think Toyota thinks the American Toyota buyer is just a shallow idiot with no critical thinking skills at all. Seriously, their current advertising borders on insulting to us the consumers.
LOL - +1 Agree. I was thinking the same thing last night after watching "Jan" for the upteenth time and the US Toyota customers that seem like they came right out of the Father Knows Best TV show from my era.
Fortunately I live in different region, never seen those so-called "commercials". Checked on Youtube. What I would say...
If you think their TV commercials are bad... I'm guessing you've never suffered through one of their radio spots.... It's not quite to the point where I tune to a different station (like I do for the Kars-For-Kids ad's) when they come on, but when I hear the guy wanting to buy a new car w/a chrome grille so his kids will thing he's "groovy" or the guy lying to his wife that "it's the shop on the phone and they said they can't repair our old car"....I just shake my head.
Definitely!! This thread reminds of the famous Honda ad, which is unbelievable. This is something what we need! Art-in-technology or technology-in-art Remember?
Prius is long overdue for a eye catching, unbelievable commercial; like that of the famous Honda ad!! I wish somebody would wake-up? Prius could increase sales BIG TIME, if they had a commercial like that.
Toyota is making the most reliable, durable car in the market. Prius got high marks in the family. I was teasing Toyota with my wife that if Toyotas makes good ad. it will be in trouble as there will not enough stock to be sold. Just kidding. We can notice how good are those America, Europe... brands. Those are real one. They need that to promote their sales but not Toyota. Their boss Mr. Toyota is a humble man. Just aim at good and reliable product. People will buy when their cars are good. So simple. We Toyota owners are not buying our nice toys after watching their ad., as we based on it's reliability, reputation, nice feature, good design, wonderful quality control....... This may be why Toyota didn't spend huge money for their promotion. They just hired third grade ad. company to do it. Haha............
Most of the Toyota adverts in Australia are pretty dull. But there is a good new one for the Camry and Aurion. I like the strategy - they've accepted that these cars will never be cool, and they've embraced that.
That's too bad, I'd like to see the above video, but whenever I click on it is say's "This Video Not Available In Your Country". Maybe Toyota doesn't want us to see anything "better"?
Grrr... OK. Here are a couple more attempts. http://player.ooyala.com/iframe.js#pbid=d7724830c63641b4b5782eadefb84891&ec=BqeGJzZDqgMayXhm8Qln_RcwK6_J-3c Or Sorry Toyota, it's NOT hip to be square | News.com.au With any luck, one of these will work.