How satisfied are you with these leather seat covers? I've taken up Bikrim Hot Yoga and am wondering if they will hold up to all the sweating after a session. What a crazy 68 year olds will do to attempt to stay somewhat fit.
Katskin leather is terrific had it on two PT Cruisers I owned. This leather is made in California, shipped to custom shop in New York)Sars) and stitched to fit my c 2. A auto upholstery shop pulled all the originals off and installed the leather, fits like a glove. As to your situation I would get me a slip cover for the front driver seat before getting in to your Prius. to keep the body fluids away.
I just installed mine a couple of weeks ago. I work out after work and then drive home. Just put some sweats on before I leave. Haven't had any problems with them. Mine are all black and very comfortable.
at times after work i jump in sweaty in my car with clazzio seat covers but for short periods of time and have had no issues. they seem to be very resilient however min are just the standard and not leather...