Our 2010 Prius just had the brake booster recall done and I also installed new pads and rotors. The car now has issues with the front brakes dragging excessively causing lack of power and poor fuel economy. There are no codes and everything else checks out okay, the brakes function fine. Is there anything on these cars that would cause brake drag after a new brake install? I just want to ensure there isn't something I can do before I bring it to the Toyota dealer. Any help would be appreciated.
I am having the same issue after my brake booster recall was done. I am not sure which brakes are dragging, but I am monitoring the pressure with scan gauge and it runs between .2 and .6 all the time.
For my car it's definitely the front brakes dragging, they are noticeably hot after driving it today. The fuel economy dropped from about 5.0-5.2 L/100 to 7.0L/100. But I am not sure if its the new brakes or the new booster pump causing this. I know new brakes should drag a bit, but this seems a bit excessive. I know my calipers are good too.
Go see your Dealer/Mechanic that did the mod and pad installation and if needed do a drive along with the Mechanic.
Sounds like the calipers need to be rebuilt or the hardware or pins on which the pads and calipers are sliding on are dragging. They need to be "lubricated."
Conventional brake boosters have a push rod that if not adjusted properly can cause brake drag. If the Prius brake booster has a similar adjustment, it could be that it was not done properly when the brake booster was replaced. I would take it back to the dealer, tell them your brakes started dragging after the brake booster was replaced, and have them check the brake booster installation.
I vote for the brake pins, too. I've had this issue before on another car and it happened after a brake job. I am not familiar with the Prius brakes but the pads probably operate like conventional cars and slide on pins or bolts to keep them in alignment.
http://priuschat.com/attachments/t-sb-0102-11-pdf.31926/ http://priuschat.com/attachments/t-sb-0136-11-pdf.32233/
Thanks for all the advice guys. After closer examination today, it seems it was actually on the front left brake that was dragging which leads me to believe it has nothing to do with the booster pump assembly. I would think if it's at fault it would likely cause both brakes to drag. In any case, I disassembled the front brakes today and reinstalled all the pad retainer clips and hardware to make sure the pads move very easily. The caliper piston is good, it moves freely, the sliders and pins were lubed and move very easily. Just rotating the wheel by hand it seems to have less resistance now and is on par with the right side. Hopefully that solves it, otherwise I am out of ideas. My guess is the new pads were hanging up slightly when released on the left side.
Make sure all of the air is "burped" out of the slide pin boot. When you grease the pins, air will get trapped inside, which can cause the pins to sort of "lock up." Pinch the edge of the boot to let out any trapped air. Also make sure that the clips on the bracket are installed properly.