It is off when the car is not moving or going over ~15mph. So it is off not just in P, but even when stopped in D.
Also the noisemaker works in "R" as well as "D" and "B" (and probably "N"). But again, only if you are moving, and its' operation has no connection with the lights, horn, or most other systems on the car. I know it works in "R" because - backing out of my back yard after loading up my telescope I back up past the neighbors garage, where they were working. I look over to see both, jaw dropped staring at Pearl S. As I go by I say "I believe it's about to hover".
Interesting. I'm wandering if this circuit could be tapped into for "parking proximity" sensors? I have been thinking about adding them for some time. However, I have been concerned about the reported false alarms which require people to manually turn them on or off. While it would be better if the speed was set to under 5 MPH or so, this may be a good compromise.