Just picked up my package 7 today! I noticed that the volume on FM is significantly lower then when I switch to AM and especially when I switch to CD. Has anyone else experienced this? I can turn FM all the way to MAX and it is still not as loud as CD on level 35 or so. Thanks!
Well my FM is softer than CD but not in the extreme that you mention. I usually leave mine at 20 for CD, 20 or 22 for FM.
Thats something i didn't even realize when i got my car today... but now that you mention it there was a difference. However, it's not really a problem with the car... it's more a problem with the general technology involved. I've done plenty of car audio work (5+ head units, several suround speaker setups, and 4 sub installs) and taken several classes in signal processing, as a bit of a precurser so you know i know what i'm talking about... It all basically comes down to signal strength. coming from direct media (CD or MP3), the signal strength can be thought of as 100%, as it's simply a digital stream. For AM and FM, the signal is sent on a carrier wave. The benifit of AM is that it utilizes a longer carrier wave, and as such can be broadcast over much greater distance (read: reception signal is stronger). FM isn't suceptible to slight changes in amplitude, which mostly results in a clearer signal with less static, however the wavelength is shorter, so it has a more limited range (read: reception signal is weaker). What all this comes down to is this: the car is playing the signals at the same level it receives them, and doesn't do any pre-processing to equalize the volume level between the different sources. you'll find that the difference in volume could also be dependant on your location or the station you're listening to. Hope this explanation helps
Thanks for the info. I actually worked installing car stereos for almost 10 years, just out of high school (a while back). I know exactly what you are talking about with signal strength issues. I did figure out the issue here, and it was signal strength for sure. Back in the day, when a radio reception was poor, you heard a lot of static. With these newer radios, they filter out a lot of that, to make them sound a smooth as possible. In this case, it was as simple as me not having a good station...as soon as I switched to a stronger station, it greatly improved (though still not as loud as the CD). Thats what I get for trying to "diagnose" a problem on the first day I had the car!! Thanks for the help and happy listening!