My three-month wait paid off today when I picked up my 2006 Barcelona Red #3 Prius. And I have to say, I've never been so happy with a new car in my life ! The car had 3 miles and 17.3 MPG showing when I left the dealership. By the time I got home, it was showing 64 miles and 50.6 MPG. Oh, yeah, this car totally fits the driving style I've cultivated for years anyway. Heck, I even ran the air conditioner, and as the dealer refused to bump up the tire pressure and I decided to just do it when I got home, I was only running 35/33. I'm not that fond of driving in general, but today was definitely fun. I did, however, have one slightly disconcerting experience. I was tooling along at about 70 on the freeway when suddenly the car began beeping. It was at least 5 or 6 slow beeps, maybe more, then it started beeping rapidly. I was looking frantically everywhere for some sort of indicator light that might give a clue as to what was going on, when it just stopped. I never did spot anything, and it didn't do it again. Anybody have any idea what it might have been? I think (but won't swear, as frankly it had me a bit rattled for a moment) that I had just cancelled cruise control before the beeping began, if that suggests anything to anyone. Thanks for your thoughts on this! Joe
Usually beeping inside that's slow, then fast is a seatbelt warning - aside from not having a seatbelt on (bad), it could also be triggered if there was something heavy enough on the passenger seat to trigger the weight sensor into thinking a person was sitting there. Dave
As the previous poster indicated, it sounds like something may have shifted (or you set something - briefcase, etc.) on the passenger's seat and the weight sensor was triggered. Empty the seat and try driving again.
I don't recall the passeger seat beeping at all in my 2004. When underway it sounds even stranger. Maybe you took the curve too fast and the VSC kicked in.
Sounds to me like something was on the passenger seat and made the car think someone was sitting there w/o the seatbelt on. It's happened to me once in my 06' as well and in my previous Acura too.
Well, I was definitely wearing my seatbelt, but I did have a briefcase on the passenger seat. So, you're probably right--I knew about the possible problem I might have with the warning from reading PC already. It's just that I was probably 10 miles into my trip home when it happened, totally out of the blue. Startled the heck out of me. Thanks! Joe
Well, it seemed strange to me, too! I was on a straight stretch of freeway, and, unfortunately, my #3 doesn't have VSC. I'd have bought a #4 to get it, but they aren't offered in this area. I was reluctant to go all the way to a #6 to get it (they don't sell #5s here either) since I didn't care about most of the other extra things you get with a #6, and it's quite a bit more money. I appreciate your thoughts, though. Joe
Since it's a long-standing habit to keep my briefcase there (no, I don't use it when driving, but sometimes I'm in traffic with long waits, and occasionally I do fish something out). I think I'll try the warning disable trick. If I have a passenger, we don't move until everyone's buckled up anyway! Joe
If it happens again, look across to the right-hand side of the dash... if it is the seatbelt warning, you will see a bright red flashing passenger seatbelt icon. It will flash in sync with the beep. If you don't see it, the problem may be with something else. Or did the dealer leave a really loud digital watch in the glove compartment? - Bob R.