I am an Application Engineer at a state chartered transportation authority. I write custom applications for our engineers that gaps the need between several off-the-shelf apps.
I am a purchasing agent at SparkFun Electronics by day, and a drum builder by...all of my other waking moments SparkFun Electronics Diamond Drum Co | Facebook
I started in 79. I was immediately assigned to "General Hospital" as Video & Transmission Maintenance Engineer. My job was to ensure that everything worked on the stage, Cameras, Monitors! If it handles Video, if it didn't, I had to fix, replace, repair ASAP! Spent 10 years there, also during that time many sporting events for ABC Sports, quite a bit of technical schooling. I got off the show in 1990, did many sports ABCNEWS events, Both OJ Trials start to finish, McViegh/Nichol OKC Bomber Trial in Denver start to finish!1970 Winter Olympics, 1984 Winter/Summer Olympics, I have flown thousands of miles for the job. I spent 4 years on the ABC Sports Pro Golf Tour, that was fun! A couple years back I Worked on the Michael Jackson Molestation Trial, then strangely later, I was Video Operator for the death coverage for ABC Special Events. It's been 35 years of hard work, but fun. That is most important to me. I want to enjoy the work, and you are going to pay me too, SWEET! Currently I am part of the team rebuilding the engineering infrastructure in the plant with 6 other workers. We get a sheaf of Blueprints, a ton of equipment and miles of wire. We then build the whatever! We are all very good at what we do!!!
That is so cool! I feel like we have a celebrity on the forum! (although I'm sure you've met your fair share)
My husband chose and drives the Prius. In the last thirty years he has gone from Petroleum Exploration Geologist to Environmental Consultant to Senior Technical Groundwater Regulator work. So far he dearly loves his car.
Does it go against the code of working around celebrities or can you tell us some of the really famous people you've met?
Shows I have worked on, and you can figure out who "Starred" in them, General Hospital "The Luke and Laura Years", ABCNEWS, many Academy Awards, The Emmys, The Home Show, Americas Funniest Videos, hundreds of major ABCSPORTS events, Port Charles, Barbara Walters Specials, Pro Golf Tour, Superbowls, 5 Trials of the Century, I have done so many, I can't remember them all..... as far as the Actors and Actresses, they are pretty much just people like you and me. They are on set as long as we are, work the same hours, eat the same "Roach Coach" food. I used to get autographs for my mom from the cast of General Hospital. I got quite a few for her, they always wrote thanks for being a loyal fan.......she dug it! That is the only time I ask for that kind of thing. I try to be professional, however when I did a Good Morning America Remote from Paramount Studios, specifically "Star Trek Next Generation Set" I did hit up Brent Spiner, Data, to autograph a Star Trek novel!. And the whole crew went nutz taking "selfies" of each other in the Captains Chair, Helm, Sick Bay, Engine Room, we had full access. That was a really cool remote for me, a Trekker at heart! And 3 Space Shuttle Landings at Edwards AFB!
Thank you sir for your service. I did 4 years in the Marine Corps and 2 years Army reserve. Then became a fireman for 24 years. My back ( 5 bulging disk, spinal snonoses) and shoulders are wore out not to mention many other body parts. Hope the service left you healthy.
I'm a checker. Well that's my description, I actually can't remember my official title, I think it has the words "specialist" and "design", LOL. I work in the structural department of an industrial engineering firm. I'm not an engineer, started as a draftstman. Basically I go through our design drawings before they go out the door, check them, mark them up as needed, make sure everything gets resolved.
I don't I've posted here yet, Worked 13yrs as a Airport Customer Service agent & a Front-Line Rep (just like a Union Rep) for 105 agents in my dept. And goes to monthly meetings in Atlanta & talk with big shots about stats & numbers.
I am a Property Loss Adjuster for the largest Loss Adjuster firm here in Ireland. I deal with commercial and domestic losses of all shapes and sizes. Been doing it 5 years.
Spacecraft electrical integration technician. A bunch of my buddies help to build the Antares rocket and Cygnus vehicles that now resupply the Space Station.