I have a question relating to bluetooth. I have been reading up on bluetooth phones and which work best with the Prius. I have a 2006 Prius, and I use Sprint for a wireless carrier. From what I read the Treo 650 seems to be one of the most compatable phones with the Prius that works on the Sprint network. My current phone doesn't have bluetooth and I have not had occasion to play with the technology so I have a question. Here is the scenerio I would like to set up. I would like to know if it is possible to set up a bluetooth connection in this fashion. If I can find a Treo 650 for a price I am willing to pay I'd like to set up the Treo in the Prius and link them together. Then, I would like to get a bluetooth headset and set it up identically using the same password or passphrase, etc. Basically I would like to pair the Treo to the Prius, then turn the car off and pair a headset to the same settings the car is set for so I could use the headset inside the house within 30 feet of where the car is parked. So my question is: can I set up 1 connection on the phone and use 2 different devices at different times if they both are set up for the same settings? Or basically pair each of them at different times using the same settings, then use them each at different times without having to set up 2 bluetooth connections on the phone and switch the phone between the 2 connections? My thought was that if the connections are identical if they are being used at different times that it should work, but I was talking to a salesman at an unidentified electronics store who showed me his bluetooth phone and showed me he had 2 different bluetooth connections he had set up and had to switch his phone to whichever he wanted to use before he got ready to use it. Anyone know if my plan would work or if it would require 2 different connections and switching between them? Thanks in advance for any help.
I have a 2004 Prius and have had Bluetooth phones a few years prior to getting the 2004 Prius so I have a great deal of experience wiht bluetooth. What you do is pair the phone and the Prius, the connection settings on the phone (at least most phones) allow you do perform an auto connection as long as you always leave Bluetooth ON. This way when you get in the car the 2 connect without you having to do anything. You need to do the same thing with the Bluetooth headset. Pair it with the phone and set it to auto connection. So you will see in your Bluetooth device list the Prius HANDSFREE and the headset like mine HT820. Which ever device come on (car or headset) connects to the phone automatically.