I've been having (!), ABS and VSC light issues so i bought an optima yellow top last week and it didn't fix the problem so i'm looking to sell it for $140 shipped vs paid $172 or a 22 month old Toyota OEM 12v for $75 shipped.
Did you make sure the Optima was fully charged prior to installing? There have been multiple reports on here of members having problems with the Optima's not being fully charged when received. Also have you taken battery voltage readings after overnight sitting and then with headlights on to determine state of charge of the battery prior to putting car in Ready mode? It should be in the 12.5+V range. A low 12V battery can create random fault lights.
yea, i've charged the battery twice and it was on the charger overnight (Battery Tender Plus) and registered 12.6v unhooked from Car and still got the lights upon startup this morning. I only have this problem when its cold out (below freezing) I've gone into the diagnostic screen and i have 12.6 in acc mode and 12.2-12.5 in ready with lights off, charging at 14.3 in on mode. i've cleaned all the connections reset the skid control ECU codes (jumper 4 and 13 in OBD connector) Still have an issue so i plan to check all the ABS relays. 2 years ago when i bought the OEM battery i was having this issue and the new battery fixed it but now i think it is being caused by something else.