Galaxee, Since your DH is familiar with the EV switch, and works on the Prius as part of his "official" job, do you think he'd be interested in becoming our "unofficial" B) switch installer? But before we all drive over to your place, we would need to negotiate how many cookies and office supplies he'd charge! :lol:
:lol: he'd be cool with installing people's EV switches... but you'd have to call and make an appointment. which means he would probably need a secretary. i guess we'd have to pay him/her in office supplies too... then there's the whole getting-to-our-place issue, which would be up to the owner of the car and would require real currency as gas stations typically do not like to exchange gasoline for a few boxes of paper clips and some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, no matter how little gas you actually need. i already see this venture spiraling out of control... :wacko:
hmmmmm.... leather restraints could be fun so sure, we'll call that an office supply. :lol: give him a bit, he's still at regional hq for training this week! :lol:
There are other Prius Techs that can help, and they are around but you may need to be a bit discreet. I know some one but it is up to him to speak up. I would say ask the worst thing that can happen is no. Then ask again some where else.
I agree with hydrgas,in that there are Prius techs who may help out. Just have to ask,just not in front of the boss, :lol: . And by finding a local ( or close ) tech,you would save from having to travel,unless your planning it in your vacation. Hey galaxee,what is DH learning now? Getting all his hybrid training in or working taking in all he can, . I have had a very busy,up and down past few months and am trying to get back in to normal mode here. Will be posting my up and down trials for those that thought I disappeared when I get time. Glad you and DH are here to help the members. I'll be back soon, .
i think lisa was kidding- which is why we got so silly he's finishing up the basic toyota cert's... finished week 2 of the 4-week module down at SET. bored out of his skull!! they tried to find a way to put him in the accelerated program, but it wasn't approved. so he's been heading over to watch the hybrid training class on test days when he finishes early. even corrected a trainee on how to put the cvt back together :lol: then he's got a ton of online courses to take, then back for some more regional training. i think it's in state this time though. then back to SET... so much work! they want him toyota master and prius certified by the end of the year. definitely let us know what you've been up to Rick... we've all been wondering where ya went!