As Tony started, I'd like to keep an every two month schedule for these, and well, frankly, two months from January is March. March might be a difficult month because of spring break vacations, I don't know how many families would be affected. This is a thread for ideas, and to figure out what might be the best day for as many people as possible. So throw it out there. I'll start, any weekend should be fine for me. Maybe later on is better (warmer.) Also, whatever we do, do we need to include a food stop, Tony?
Oh geez, everyone's going to show up with food aren't you? Perhaps that's even a good idea. A pot-luck meetup. March would be a little too cold for tailgating, but it's something to consider for summer months. I'm out of town the first weekend and my in-laws are coming in 17th/18th. But that doesn't necessarily count that weekend out since my F-i-L was with me the first time I ever test drove a Pius and is fascinated with hybrid tech. I think he would love to come. Our respective wives might disagree. So other than the first weekend, I'm in.
Sounds like a great idea! Is there a Chicagoland group e-mail to get the word out (I just stumbled upon this)?
I have a black tie dinner in Maryland on the the 11th. and a Board meeting-- I'm on the BOD-- the 12th. oh yeah the 17-19th are bad too... Dang march is busy. I have a pet expo I am slated to work.
Anyways, I'm always up for the grilling, etc, but we might need to plan ahead. It might be good for a May-September time. And I will still hold to my offer of bringing ribs, assuming I can.
Matt, March may be diificult for me but I would like to get together with other members. The end of March is out as my wife and I are going to a convention in Hawaii. Also, any other "south siders" out there? I'd like to see a meeting closer to Joliet.
okey all- were will it be this time? sorry I missed the last one. let me know were this one in march will be at and I'll try to be there. I'm also looking forword to may's outting here my me , @ rRoute 66 speedway regards Bob ( bobkat21)
We definitely have something going on in Joliet in May. Details yet to be confirmed, but it is covered in this thread: As you can see, it's on May 13th, and we'll revisit as it comes closer. Whether or not you can make this one, hopefully you can make that one.
I don't want to seem like I'm ignoring this, but I'm working on something that Tony, Wayne and I considered. I probably should have something soon, or I should give up. If anyone that is a resident of an O'Hare area community might want to help, I need one person, and I would appreciate it. Email me at [email protected] Edit: I meant give up on the idea I (we) had, not on the whole meeting thing. Rereading made me realize that I wanted to make that distinction.
What you can do is go to the "Local Clubs" forum on the main page (or Forums) page. It's very near the bottom. From there you can see if there have been new posts. Other than that, you can subscribe to a thread by clicking the "Track This Topic" option on Matt's initial post.
I stopped by the library just North of Siemens. Turns out that my home library card allows me to check out books there. I wonder if that would allow me to use a room there. I didn't ask that but I will next week. I actually stopped in because it's more on my commute than my local library; it'll be easier for me to get and return books. While there, it didn't even occur to me to ask about the room. :huh: Of course, that would mean that people would have to again drive up to Buffalo Grove. On the upside, I know where there's a Panera.
Our local library would let me get a room... do not know how fast or whatever. (I could check it out if there's an interest) And I'm smack in the middle of what appears to be everyone. address of the library: 10311 Grand Ave. - Franklin Park, IL 60131 Amy
That would work for me, since I work in Buffalo Grove. Unfortunately I bought my Prius and then found this web site about 3 weeks after the Jan meeting in BG. I could probably drive to Des Plaines or Schaumburg, but I wouldn't be interested in farther south or east than that. But I'm just one vote and you can't satisfy everybody. I probably will try to make the meeting in Madison this summer, since that sounds like a major event. (I think it's Madison. Somplace in Wisconsin. I'm sure we'll be reminded soon enough). nerfer
Nerfer, 1) I work in BG also. We will grab lunch sometime. I'm on the Northern part of BG, on Deerfield Parkway. 2) You're talking about Hybridfest in Madison, WI. ttp:// Currently, I'm serious about going. My wife might or might not have a deciding vote on the matter. Then again, last year we had two alternative fuel fairs in Chicagoland and she was the reason I missed both of those (out of town scheduling). I think she owes me.