read the forum for a few days as i shopped for my prius. very helpful information. hopefully i won't need a lot of help here, but its good to know a place exists! 2007 white with grey cloth. package 5 i believe. 94k miles. $10,566
Sounds quite similar to ours. We just bought a white with grey cloth 2007 Touring package #3 with 112K miles for $9900. Loving it so far.
just brought her home. glad to be here. also i sold my 2003 maxima within 5 minutes of putting it on craigslist. goodbye, rattle trap gas guzzler!
Good luck to you. Don't expect the EPA right off the bat. It will take some time for you and your Prius to get to know one another. Plus there are a lot of tips and tricks that can be used to meet and easily beat the EPA. Hint: If you drive it like a regular car, you will rarely meet the EPA of 51 City, 48 Highway. If you drive it like a Prius driver who is familiar with the tips, tricks, and techniques you should be able to meet and or beat the EPA just about all of the time. Remember: Winter time you get lower MPG than Summer time. All vehicles do this. The Prius is no exception. Read the attached document and again "Welcome to Prius Chat".
thanks. another question - the only key they gave me was the smart key. i bought it at a dealership and they said that was the only key they could find. i have been friends with the salesman for 20 years. will they make me a regular key so i dont ever get locked out? also, is there any benefit to sticking the fob in to its' holder or should i just throw it in the cup holder? thanks again, i will study the techniques and read the file you posted.
Two things I recommend. 1. Get a second "working" key fob. The fob is not cheap, plus it has to be programmed. Your best bet is to buy a "new" key fob directly from the dealer and do the "chicken dance". Study the following link for info on the chicken dance. Be aware that a new fob ranges from $100 to $175 depending on source. Programming varies from $75 to $150 or more. Some "good" locksmiths can program the key for you. If you have access to the proprietary Techstream software you can program the key also that way. That is what Toyota uses. 2. It is not a "good" idea to have only one key fob. It is best if you keep the fob in your pocket at all times. When the Prius is parked, you want to keep the fob at least fourteen (14) feet from the car. That eliminates constant communication between the Prius and the key fob. Link to chicken dance is below. How to Program a New Key Fob for Full SKS Functionality | PriusChat Be sure to read the disclaimer. Also I have not personally done this, so I can not vouch for the information, however quite a few have reported success when doing this. YMMV.
One other thing that will help all new buyers. Take the time to read, study, and understand all four of the links in my signature. If you do that, you will have a good idea of how to check the 12 volt battery which seems to be the only "major" problem with the Prius and understand how to get the "best" MPG that is attainable. Remember that YMMV.
awesome thanks. the battery was replaced a month or so ago. but i'll keep my eye on it. got 32 mpg on the nose at work tonight. not bad for a first time out, i guess.
When you get time, please update your information here on PC with your location. It helps other's when you post questions asking for help as different areas have different stuff on their Prius. Example: UK Pri don't have the thermos bottle, where American one's do. Study the link on hypermiling in my signature below. And check your air pressure in your tires. 42F, 40R is what a lot recommend here on PC. Adjust as needed for a comfortable ride. Higher air pressure usually gives better MPG. Don't exceed the maximum rated pressure that is marked on the sidewall of your tires. Best of luck to you!
When you order a new remote fob make sure you get one with the silver Toyota logo, not black. The silver signifies that it's an sks key. Also, there's a regular key inside the fob in case your fob battery dies. There's a release next to the ring, slide it and pull the ring and it'll come out. If the fob battery is dead you can still start the car with it, you just have to put it in the dash slot. SCH-I535 ?
location updated. thermos bottle? after reading a good bit about how to drive, and just getting used to it in general, today i am at 42 mpg. it was as high as 44. we will see what it is by the end of the night. i should put a good 75-100 miles on it by the end of my second shift. i work delivery. and thanks for that salgood, i never wouldve found that key haha. today's new adventure - i was frantically googling because i thought my car was stuck in park. gotta have the brake depressed to put it in gear. DOH! lots to learn, but its pretty fun doing it. thanks again.
also, the dealership had 4 tires that don't match on it. all 4 are a different brand! i will live with 44 mpg for now as they all have good tread left. i will consult here when new tires are needed, but i dont think the math works out to buy a new set until these show some wear. thanks for the pressure tip.
also, i had heard horror stories but i got the bluetooth to connect to my iphone 5c and it works like a champ. i just wish it streamed my music. the only other complaint i have so far is that there is no usb to charge my phone. gonna have to buy a cheap car charger with usb i guess. i thought the stereo was locked up and i would need the code, i couldnt get it to turn on. but somehow it fixed itself? probably user error, but it magically started accepting cds after playing with it a few times. it sounds great!
now if i just knew a way to get the updated navigation dvd without paying a years worth of college tuition...
Info on thermos bottle is below. And yes, foot on brake is mandatory when changing gears and getting out of park. Also foot on brake is mandatory when entering "ready" mode.
When it comes times for tires, you should purchase a good set of LRR type tires. There is a list of tires here on PC which is becoming dated, but still worthwhile information imo. Low Rolling Resistance replacement tires: Current List | PriusChat If you want the top of line tires I would recommend the Michelin Energy Saver A/S - I have a set of them and like them very well. Excellent MPG, good traction both wet and dry. They are considerably better than the original Goodyear Integrity tires. A lot of folks recommend the Bridgestone Ecopia 422 also. What ever you get, make sure they are LRR type tires. And remember to keep the air pressure at the highest setting you are comfortable with. Maintain two pounds more pressure in the front than the rear. 42 Front, 40 Rear is common and recommended for those who are seeking the best MPG. Whatever you run, don't exceed the maximum pressure that is stamped on your tires. The placard on the car is "minimum" and what Toyota suggests for comfort.