Hi all, I ventured into the garage late last night and heard a whirring noise like an electric motor coming from my Prius. I didn't have my smart key with me. I checked the doors to see if any were ajar. The whirring kept going. After a few minutes, it stopped. Does anyone know what the car is doing? I have a 2012 Prius Three with 18K miles on it. Thanks, David
I'm sure somebody here has the definitive answer for you, but I gave up trying to figure out what all the new sounds were real fast.
Battery fan? The key issue is it stopped (or cycled). FWIW, the electric radiator fan on the roadster does same by design, after a thrashing.
It appears you have a Liftback, not a 'v'. If so, you posted to the wrong forum, but then I also have the same car as you, so any different function of the 'v' doesn't apply. About five hours after the last trip, the evaporative emission control system fires up a fan for a few minutes. It is normal. Somewhere in the manual is a list of this and numerous other unfamiliar sounds you may hear.
A common whirring sound is the brake booster, the one that also comes on everytime the driver's door is opened. It also happens a few minutes after the car is shut down. It usually lasts only a few seconds though. SCH-I535
Whoops, I have a standard Prius, not a v, but the innards are basically the same. The whirring sound was happening after the car had been sitting for over 6 hours in my garage. The temperature was in the 40s F in the garage. It sounded like it was coming from the rear of the vehicle. Does main battery charge up the 12V (standard) battery if it is low? That was the cause of the Tesla vampire draw issues.
No. For safety to mechanics and emergency responders, the main battery is disconnected by a relay inside its own case whenever the ignition is turned off. If the 12V then falls too low, it must be jumped from outside, or replaced, before the main battery relay can be switched back on.
This is explained in the manual but here's the basics from it: "Approximately five hours after the hybrid system is turned off, you may hear sound coming from under the vehicle for several minutes. This is the sound of a fuel evaporation leakage check and, it does not indicate a malfunction." Also, thread moved to the gen III forums.
I heard this same whirring noise a long time after the car was stopped too. Glad someone has an explaination for this. In another unrelated post, I actually walked into the garage this week and noticed the interior map lights turning off on after being about 2 meters away from the car. I opened the door and made sure I didn't accidentally have them switched on somehow...after tripping checking, I shut the door and they dimmed and turned off...weird! it's like the car was welcoming me. And no, I did't have the smart key with me too.