So this morning i backed into a tree. Im so sad ive had the car less then a month. my light is cracked and the bumper hting is cracked
I also got into an accident. Why do bad things happen to good people? . Anyways i hope the damage to your car is not that bad and hopefully it won't be expensive to fix it. I'll get an estimate for mine on Monday. Best of Luck.
hopefully you have good insurance.. lights are usually expensive.. i know the fronts are around 400 a piece.. old info.. price may have gone down. Hope it all turns out ok
Was the tree moving?? I use to back into things when I had the truck. I could see what was high up (like the actual tree) but would forget that there was a three foot high fence around it below my sight line...thump!
Clipper, After you get your estimate, you might want to look on ebay for a used light; I know I've seen them there for less than $400.00.
$400!!! Last year I was charged $170, saw at online dealers for $150, was told dealer cost was $77. Maybe you meant front? That is still high< I hope. Got to think harder about getting the clear bra. A good body shop will make the bumper look like new, or I was lucky.
front lights are more expensive, also depends on whether they're HIDs or not. rears aren't near that bad.