I always though it was possible and did it today. I installed the CUSCO strut tower brace without removing anything but the strut tower nuts. The most important tools needed are; A long "offset" 14mm box wrench like this one: A goof LED flashlight A long thin flat blade screwdriver. Removing, starting, running down and tightening the innermost two nuts (one on each side) was the toughest part. The bar's left mount easily installed without modifying the black bracket as DadofHedgehog had to do. The brace I got is the latest 2013 version that fit perfectly except for one small adjustment. The standard CUSCO socket headed caps screw for holding the bar to the brackets is a poor choice for this bar. The 17mm box wrench needed to hold the nut would not fit in the space available. The open end wrench needed to the 17mm acorn nut on the left driver's side jammed tight after installation and had to be "knocked" out with a drift and a hammer. I will be replacing these with J.I.S. 14mm small hex head bolts with 14mm hex serrated flange nut washers like those supplied for the strut top nuts. They will be 10.9 grade instead of cheap 8.8 ones, and I will nit need all those washers and the locknuts. The driver side was high. It lifted the end of the "drip pan." I could have cut the edge of the drip pan, but I knocked that end down with a piece of 2x4 lumber, a piece of carpet to protect the bar and a sledge hammer. I got it to clear about 1/4 inch below the lip. I added a stick on clear vinyl bumper to prevent contact due to vibration. The bar will need only to be removed if the UView vacuum tool is need to used on the ECU cooling reservoir or access to replace the brake booster and master cylinder. That will be much easier, when I get the new replacement bolts and flange nuts. I have not tested the bar and will report later on the results. To me, access for service is more important than anything else. I just cannot see the involved removal and reinstall process of all of those parts that other have experienced.
Slick work. It looks from your last picture that Cusco did indeed redesign the driver's side flange. Tell us what you think after you road-flog the Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) a bit.