Dont know what i think of them yet. I like em better then my last ones still dont know if there my last set yet. Have to roll my fenders yet to get her to sit back lower again. Always something with changing a car SGH-T889 ? 2
They are alittle lighter then my last set at 41.2lbs with tire. I did have the car 1" lower before but when i put these on they are a tad wider so they were rubbing the back fenders to bad. Plus around here in pa the roads dont love low cars but i love how it rides and how confused people are that its a prius SGH-T889 ? 2
My stocks were 32 and change at 50psi. These are 205 40 17s 45psi im not expecting light as feather but i didnt notice a drop in mpg from either of my rims. Still can get 60s mpg to and from work. Over the past 10k miles ive avg 58mpg. When i got the car i was just hoping for double my xrs and with that i was getting low 20s for mpg so over 40 im happy. SGH-T889 ? 2
I'm extremely skeptical of this type of statement. Sorry, but everyone has MPG embellishment You can see my MPG's and I have 185/65/15 Ecowing tires with light weight rims @ 24 lbs. with the tires. The stockers were 28 and anything more will reduce mileage. Even a non LRR tire will kill MPG's. At the 50 MPG mark, the smallest changes will have a huge effect and with a car that reports it instant MPG average, you can see it within 15 miles. Running with the same rims and a 195/65/15, non LRR tire cost me almost 5 MPG average. Adding 10 plus pounds with a wider tread will surly murder MPG numbers I run 42 PSI and get almost the same as the stock 175/65/15's did. My speedo is dead on.
I know for sure my speedo is way off going by gps on my phone and also on the street radar that cops set up. Its usually min of 2 to 3 mph off different at different speeds SGH-T889 ? 2
Just reweighed my stock rims from a c3 no hubcaps and there 32.6lbs each maybe my scale it off alittle too cause i cant see my stocks being that much different then urs. SGH-T889 ? 2
My stock tires were GoodYears 175/65/15's. I can't remember the model of tire. I'm sure our scales will be off. I was only comparing my stockers to the new replacement setup and that's why I know what they weighed in at. With an inaccurate speedo, you'll never know our true MPG's My speedo accuracy is based off of radar speed signs. I have 3 in my area and all report the same readings.
This is the screen i based my mpg numbers off of. I'll have to retest the speedo to get a better reading on things. SGH-T889 ? 2
Unfortunately, that's not a number you can use for MPG data. I have one of those and it has no bearing on my overall MPG's. You'll need to record your mileage with an accurate device and use the fill-up method to get actual MPG number. Your speedo is off and will lie about your mileage and MPG. Here's mine
One of the better looking c 's I have seen. Wheels do a lot for a car. If you really want to worry about mpg also think about how many gallons you buy per year. Your foot print , and oil import and consumption are all tied to gallons consumed more than mpg.
But there is a direct correlation between gallons consumed and better mpgs... my last vehicle was a temporary F-150 that I was putting 24 gallons of fuel into a week. I moved to Pepper and that dropped to 9 gallons a week. MPGs made all the difference. Unfortunately, in my scenario, I drove too much for a pure electric... believe me, I wanted a LEAF so bad.
I would use less than 9 gallons per week on my commute in an f150. I go about 7 miles each way. So my foot print would be smaller than yours. Don't get me wrong I'm against all the puck ups and SUVs I applaud anyone who switches from a gas guzzler to efficient vehicle . I drive a Prius and want an ev next. I just think we should remember the importance of miles driven as well as mpg.
We should... but then you just get into a "you're better than me because you drive 14 miles and I drive 80 miles daily." That won't help anyone. Everybody should be "aware" that the more you drive the more you consume... doesn't matter what you drive... electric or not.
To a certain degree the reliability of modern cars has allowed modern people to commute further and use more gas.