When I loaded a CD today, it got stuck inside, and repeated power cycling pressing load or eject has done nothing to help. I can't play either of the CDs either. It just says "CD Error" (sometimes after a brief "CD Seek". The radio works fine though. It's not the end of the world for me since the only time I use it is when I go for long drives, which isn't very often. Nonetheless, it will be annoying not having it for these long drives. Just to confirm, there is no direct replacement for the 2004 JBL with AUX right? I get that impression from looking at the older threads. If not, if I were to disassemble the dash to remove the unit, might the unit still work if can remove the discs, or am I likely to be SOL? Is there an online guide? I couldn't find it. Anyone here sell replacement ones (without AUX)? I checked out autobeyours and they don't have the unit listed. What should I expect for a repair/replacement from a Toyota dealership. I'd hate to say pay $100 for a diagnosis, only to be told that a replacement would cost $1000. I'd rather just go without.
My wife just reported that when ejecting a CD, the CD got stuck on the way out and required tweezers to remove. Now the changer seems dead too (no motor sounds at all when selecting discs). I'll likely be pulling the unit out to see if it's just a simple repair, or if it'll require a replacement. I'm sure eBay or Pick-a-part would have a few by now...
Which model to get? I have the JBL package for my 2004 (in Canada) with the broken CD-changer, but do I have to replace it with another CD-changer model? I never wanted the CD changer in the first place, but I did want the JBL speakers. With my JBL setup, can I just get a standard single-disc model? Any OEM ones have the aux input or MP3 capability? I see a lot on eBay for the 2004-2006 available, esp. with the single-disc model, but they don't seem to include the AUX input. Anything to watch out for with the eBay ones? Or better yet, are there any aftermarket installers in Toronto that would (stealth) install an AUX-enabled MP3 model? My dealership said it'd probably be around $1000 to get it replaced through them. They don't even do it. They remove it and send it out to a 3rd party and then reinstall a replacement. As I mentioned, there are a few on eBay. They are in the $85 to $150 range. www.pickapart.ca doesn't seem to have the Prius listed at all.
I've been browsing eBay and the going rate seems to be between $100 and $300, with the higher end being modified units to have aux input cables either from the rear of the unit or in the front. I took the unit out of the 2004 last night and discovered the exact same failure I discovered when the unit failed in our 2002 Prius - the gear which drives the roller to move the CD in/out of the unit split apart. This causes it to spin around on the shaft rather than rotate. Previously I was able to fix this with some superglue into the crack and on the spline. However, in the 2004, there's enough lithium grease there, and not enough clearance w/o some MAJOR disassembly, that my glue trick didn't last beyond getting the first CD in (failed upon eject). If the gear could be identified, one might be able to go to a specialty site (like smallparts.com) and order a replacement, however I suspect the easier route would be to find a replacement head unit and take your chances there. Picture of the cracked gear - as seen once the unit is removed and the top-cover of the CD changer removed (top is front of the unit): Fortunately, completely unplugging and re-plugging the power cable from unit in causes the unit to reset. If you want to retrieve your discs, you can reset the unit, and with the top cover removed, command all discs to eject, then "help" the disc out once the discs reach the roller.
Hmmm... Crappy plastic gear. Anyways, if I can get one with a single CD and a AUX... AND it will work in my 2004 JBL model, I'd be happy. Unfortunately, it seems some of those eBay ads for it are somewhat vague about compatibility. P.S. Unrelated, but that's the exact problem I was wanting to avoid with a stand mixer I was looking at. The new models are all metal gears, whereas some of the old models had plastic gears that not uncommonly failed.
Sadly, 1 disc or 6, you're going to be looking at a similar eject mechanism to drive the CD in and out of the chamber. I've seen some decent "used" prices on eBay, but then considering that the model year is similar, as is the mileage (130k in one case), the risk of imminent failure is pretty high.
If no aux, does the 2005 CD changer work in the 2004 with JBL upgrade? A local wrecker has the 2005 changer.
No info on this? It seems easier to get the plain single-CD unit, but I have the JBL system currently.
Hmm... Is this the right part for the JBL system on a 2004 (with cassette)? 2004 Radio Toyota Prius AM/FM/CASS/6CD, (-DIAL) 448AR
Perfect candidate for a stealth install! Or for the price of a replacement oem model you could get a double din to go in the dash where the factory one is located.
Hello - sorry, I realize this is an old thread. Did you (Eug or anyone) ever have success changing your 2004 jbl 6 disc changer w/cassette for a single disc model - or for the 2005 changer model that included aux capability? Our prius has just begun to get stuck cd's and after I took it out - and freed the stuck cd's - I decided to add and Aux headphone jack/plug for our ipods and phone/music players. And now I"m thinking while I have it out - to swap it for a single cd player with the Aux functionality - and to reduce mechanical disc handling of a 6 cd changer to minimize stacks of stuck discs. I have the 2004 jbl premium cd changer w/cassette - jbl model 56838 Toyota # 86120-47100 Can I just swap it with the 2005 jbl changer model - # 51825 Toyota # 86120-47210 ? Or is there a jbl compatible single cd - that lets me add one of the aftermarket AUX kits? I have an open 6 pin over 6 pin connector on the back of my jbl 56838 but when i plug in an aftermarket aux connector to that port it does not power up the aux box - I wonder is there some unlock/permissino/programmiong required to activate that 6/6pin port for an external changer/aux input? Thanks for any help on this.