I was very surprise a couple of days ago passing in the parking lot a similar color Plug in car; the light went on and I was able to open the both doors. My car was about 10 feet away. Did anybody experience similar keyless entry situation? Please advise zdsco
I am unclear what the failure is that's stated in the title. It seems as you walked past a similar PIP, it's interior lights came on, you turned back and found you were able to open the 'other car's' doors. I'm guessing you would have re-locked the 'other car's' doors and proceeded to yours. Did you have problems opening your doors after opening the other car?
There have seen several reports of SKS key fobs interfering with one another, usually in two Toyota households. However, this is the first time I've heard of seemingly full SKS functionality between fobs. There should be almost limitless possible combinations of codes available for SKS programming. Therefore, the chance of happening on a vehicle with the same SKS programming is very remote, pardon the pun. If I were you, I'd be concerned that someone in your area shares your SKS code. SCH-I535
I have not seen this happen, and would also consider it a security failure. I would have assumed there to be so many different key codes that duplication would not be an issue.
He wouldn't have to relock the other car's doors. Try this: unlock your doors in the normal fashion, but don't open any of them. After a few seconds, the doors will automatically relock.
I would like to confirm that the doors were locked to begin with. Maybe the other Prius sensed the person nearby and turned on interior light and primed brakes and the doors just happened to be open. Can you confirm that your FOB had controll of the other Prius zdsco?